Chapter 7

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"It's only been the first day! How the heck do you like him or her already?!" I say really confused as to what is going on in Haru's mine right now.

"Him, and I said I think, I'm not sure yet." He says correcting me.

"Wow you sure got over that guy fast." Crap what was I thinking bringing that up.

I see Haru's face full of hurt. "Sorry I didn't mean that." I say patting his head.

"Its okay Ricchan I know you didn't mean it. And I don't think I'm over it just yet." He says eyes filling with tears.

"Maybe I should just not fall in love again." Whispers Haru.

"You can't prevent love Haru. I'm sure you'll find someone who will love you as much as you love them back." I say trying to comfort him.

"You really should follow your own advice then." He says wiping away his tears.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"You can't prevent love Ricchan. So give into it already." Says Haru staring at me with eyes full of hope.

He used my advice against me. Maybe he's right, maybe I should stop preventing it and try to believe in it again. Believing that there could be an us.

"Well I'll leave you to think. I'm going to go sleep. Goodnight Ricchan." He says heading to the couch.

"You can sleep on the bed if you want" I yell after him.

"Kay goodnight."

"Goodnight." I say staring at the dirty dishes.

He got out of cleaning them, sneaky. I sigh and start cleaning the dishes.

As soon as I finish my phone starts ringing. What is it with people calling me lately?!

I look at my phone and grunt as soon as I see the name. It's mom, this is going to be a long conversation.

"Yes what do you want?" I say to her.

"Is that a way to greet your mother?" She says scolding me.

"Hi mom how are you? Have you been doing good? Really that's great, now bye!" I say sarcastically. Not really hanging up though.

"Before you decide to end the conversation I thought you would want to hear the news you've been wanting to hear for some time now. But first is Haru there by any chance? His mother is quite worried."

"How could auntie possibly be worry , she's the one that kicked him out in the first place!" I say to her mad.

"So Haru told you?" She asks.

"Not necessarily but just by his face I could tell she didn't take the news that great." I say now making my way to the living room and sitting on the couch.

I hear her sigh on the other end. "Well I thought it'd be just a phase like what happened to you in high school."

"That wasn't a phase mom he was serious about him. And what happened to me wasn't a phase either." I say irritated.

"I know, what I meant is, it may take time getting used to but I support Haru and I'll try to make her change her mind. And if you were to fall for that guy again, there's nothing I could do but to support you. You will always be my baby so if he hurts you he's in trouble."

"Thanks mom, but what made you change your mind?" I ask concerned.

"Oh silly me forgot the most important thing. Your engagement with An is broken. She sort of has someone else and she came to me, asking not to marry you cause you had someone else also, is that true?"

Did I just hear correctly? I won't have to marry An anymore. I mean she's a great girl don't get me wrong, but I always thought of her as a little sister to me.

"Really mom thank you" I managed to whisper. I can feel tears gathering but I won't let them fall.

"You didn't answer my question." She says.

Do I have someone else? Yeah I guess I have someone. It took me this long to realize that no matter how much I denied it in reality I was admitting everything. Do I love Takano? Well that would be...

"Yes mom I do have someone else." I managed to answer

Someone who cares for me no matter how many times I pushed him away. Someone that's right there supporting me. Someone that can have such a loving expression and it's all directed towards me. That someone was Takano all along.

"Well I should get going you have work tomorrow after all. And Ritsu I'll support your decision." She says happily.

We said our goodbyes and I hanged up the phone and threw it somewhere on the couch. Honestly I'm too happy to even go to sleep. I want to see Takano.

Wait I want to see Takano? I stand and step towards the door, confronting my feelings once and for all.

Haru P.O.V

I hear the sound of faint footsteps and the door closing. I'm glad Ricchan, looks like you've found your answer. Now what am going to do with this. I stare at the letter my mom sent me. In which she states that I'm disowned from the family. I silently weep myself to sleep.

Takano P.O.V

I sigh and lay on the couch. Why is work so hectic?! We are only in the beginning of the cycle yet Isaka still tries to make my life miserable. Make it miserable later not at the beginning of a cycle! As I continue my rant inside my head, suddenly thoughts of Ritsu popped into my head. Calming myself from the mad thoughts.

It surprises me every time how much of an influence Ritsu can be on my life. Just one word from him can make me either extremely happy or extremely pissed at his stubbornness.

Suddenly I hear weak knocks on my door. I wonder who it could be at this hour.

When I opened the door, I couldn't even say a word as a small figure came into my arms crying.

Back to Ritsu's P.O.V

Without realizing it my feet moved on its own and I ended up in Takano's arms. For some reason I'm not scared to give us a second chance. I want us to work, I want to tell him how much I care. But I won't say this now I just want to stay in his arms a little longer.

It seems like I really did fall for him all over again.

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