Chapter 4

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I have absolutely nothing to add so...enjoy

"Haru are you on drugs?" I ask bluntly.

He hits my arm hard and starts laughing. I rub my arm in pain and he says "Idiot, that's the first thing you seriously ask?"

I sigh and say with puppy dog eyes "So what exactly do you know?"

"Wow you sunk that low to do the puppy dog eyes. Which don't work on me by the way."

"What! It used to work all the time! Did you turn cold all of a sudden?"

"Idiot! Let's just say I know the fact that you thought he was making fun of you but in reality he was just shy and thought it was obvious that you guys were dating. But then you took it the wrong way, stuff happened now you're editing shoujou manga and you met him again" he says really fast and ends it with trying to catch his breath.

I stare at him shocked. "But it felt like he was!"

"Seriously Ricchan! Would you pay attention for once? Is that seriously all you got from my whole explanation?!"

"I basically blocked out all your insults or whatever that was." I say bluntly.

"That's it! I'm done!" He says raising his hands up in the air dramatically walking away towards the door.

"Okay so either way how do you know all this?" I asked confused.

Haru seemed interested and stopped in the mist of his track, only to turn around and give me a creepy smile. I flinch at the moment I see his face.

"I have my sources"

"Umm and they are?"

"Not telling!" He teases me sticking out his tongue at me.

He can be such a child at times, sometimes I wonder who's the oldest.

"I'll find out eventually. If you're not going to tell me how you know these things at least tell me why you suddenly asked to stay with me" I said staring at him.

Haru flinched and laughed awkwardly. "Haha right..."

"Haru what have you done?"

"I told mom I was dating a guy" It was merely a whisper but it was loud enough for me to hear.

I didn't even need to ask how auntie reacted because Haru's face could tell it all. It looks like he's on the verge of breaking down any moment. But the expected happened he brushed it off with a smile.

"It's fine right? I couldn't keep it hidden much longer either way"

Geez this kid, whenever something bad happens he just covers it with a smile, no matter how hurt he may be.

"Come here" I say holding out my arms to him.

He runs towards me and hugs me. I feel his tears and all I could do is rub his back in comfort. We stay there in silence until he calms down enough.

"So you have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me" I say trying to change the subject.

"I had one" He whispers.

"What happened?"

"He found a cute girl. Funny right? I was ready to come out to my parents for him, fave all the rejection and give up everything for him but in the end it was all for nothing because he was the one to leave me"

Not being able to bare my cousin's tearing up face and not wanting to go to jail for murdering a certain nameless boyfriend for hurting Haru, I came to a conclusion to get it off of its mind.

"Okay that's it lets go somewhere"

He looks up at me with curious eyes. "Where?"

"How about we go get some ice cream, it usually helps"

He chuckles and says "Yeah okay it's better than doing nothing at your house all day. Oh and by the way I have another surprise for you"

"What is it?" I asked confused.

"You'll see soon enough"

"Okay well ice cream time!" I said not giving a second thought to what he said. I have a feeling I do not want to know.

I make my way towards the door, Haru following behind excitedly.

~At the park~

We've just got our ice cream and now we are sitting down at a park bench. Form the looks of it the ice cream did help because now Haru is all hyper again. Or it might just be the chocolate. Dang it I should've never let him order chocolate ice cream!

"So Ricchan are you going to give your senpai a second chance?" Asks Haru out of the blue.

I stop licking my strawberry ice cream and turn to glance at him.

"I don't know if I should"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"It's not easy just accepting him like that. I mean it might've been a misunderstanding but it still hurt me a lot. I guess that might be me being stubborn."

"Do you at least feel something for him, even if it's just a little?"

I shrug and say "maybe, maybe not. I'm not sure about my feelings to be honest. My heart beats fast and I get embarrassed and stuff, but life isn't always like a shoujo manga, so I don't let it get to me."

"Hmmm at least that's progress" whispers Haru.

"What did you say?"

"Oh nothing!"

My phone rings at that moment and I pick it up noticing that it's Takano calling.

"Yes what is it?" I say into the phone.

"Hey Ritsu, wondering if you actually ate or just skipped it. I don't want to find you in the hospital when I come back" Takano says from the other side.

"Yes mother I ate!" I said irritated at him.

"Is that auntie?" Asked Haru a little too loudly

"No it's not mom. It was a joke Haru"

"Ritsu who are you with?" Takano asked, jealously clearly noticeable in his voice.

"Just someone. Is that all you called me for?"

"Wait if I recall correctly you were talking to some Haru dude last time. So who is this Haru?!"

"Just someone! Well now bye!"

I hung up irritated not wanting to hear him argue. What's with him all of a sudden and why is he so angry?

"Was that Takano?"

"How did you know?"

"Ricchan its too obvious" He says chuckling.

"Shut up and just finish your ice cream!" I barked back, face flushing a slight pink.

"Hai hai. But what are we doing after this?"

I think about it for a few seconds. I recall having a bunch of movies at home that I haven't seen. They're not even mine, Kisa just got bored of them one day and gave them to me.

"We could have a movie night at home" I suggested.

"Yay that seems like fun. It's like a sleepover!"

"Technically it isn't since you're living with me for now."

"Geez you're no fun! But it'll be like when we were kids, you know before you left." He seemed a little sad at the end.

I remember auntie being against Haru leaving with me for England, so in the end I left alone. We kept in contact and saw each other right after I graduated but we were separated again and it's been 8 years since I've seen him.

"Yeah it'll be like old times."

Once we finished our ice creams we headed home. Takano is definitely not going to be happy since I turned off my phone after that.

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