Chapter 14

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Happy Valentine's Day!!!! And with that I bring you the ending, I so did not plan this by the way it being chapter 14 and today is the 14 omg what is this?!?! 😂 It never comes out to this perfect timing!!! Anyways I will probably start posting the sequel tomorrow. That's all...

Ritsu P.O.V

This morning Haru and I decided to get the apartment thing settled. Turns out Haru's charms somehow captivated the land lady into agreeing to him having the apartment and me moving in with Takano. I'd thought she'd be asking questions as to why, but she just kept on smiling, and agreed full heartily. It weirds me out to think that just with one look at Haru anything he says people tend to do. He just had to be that good-looking? Even though he so looks like a shota. But don't tell him this unless you want to be buried alive or something.

We headed over to Takano's apartment to tell him the news. As soon as we entered his apartment Haru stared in amazement.

"Geez you guys are really book people. I thought Ricchan has a book problem but Takano-san is not far behind. I guess you guys were meant to be after all" he states nodding at the end.

Takano and I chuckle a little as we make our way to the couch.

"So how did it go?" Takano asks curiously.

"Perfect! My charms made her seal the deal!" Haru says looking all innocent.

"Yeah okay, sure your charms...why do they always agree so easily when it comes to you?!" I say in disbelieve.

"I told you, it's my charms!" He says giggling.

I roll my eyes at him. Why isn't my family normal? I'm stuck with a mother obsessed with marriage, though I don't have to worry about that anymore. My father...well I guess he's the only normal one for now. And then there's Haru, who always seems to amaze me. Yup, we are a weird family alright. But I wouldn't know what to do without them.

"Ricchan why are you smiling like that, it's creepy" Haru says staring at me suspiciously.

I didn't even realize I was smiling. I hit him gently on the back of his head.

"Idiot you ruined my train of thought" I say pouting.

"Now now you two don't start with your family quarreling or whatever that is. Now come on we have stuff to do" he says smiling dragging me up from the couch, and motioning Haru to follow him.

"Where are we going?" I ask him curiously.

"Marukawa" he says as we head out of his apartment towards the elevator.

"But it's our day off" Haru says confused.

"You'll see soon enough now come." He says with a smile on his face.

'What's he up to' I think to myself. Should I be scared or curious?

Haru P.O.V

Just when I finally had a break to get to watch all the anime I want, I have to go to work. But why though? I thought it was our day off.

Besides the fact that I have to go to work, Na-chan hasn't called me since yesterday. Could he have regretted what happened yesterday?

I shake my head from side to side regretting the thought. No that's not possible it was his doing in the first place! Though I keep getting lost in those kisses. He's so gentle and sweet to me that I forgot about me not wanting to fall in love again. He made me forget everything with just one kiss.

'Argh I want to see him!' I say hitting my head on the back seat of Takano's car where Ricchan is sitting in the front. Throughout the whole ride I've had nothing but thoughts of Yuu and why the heck are we going to work on our day off?! But mostly thoughts of Yuu.

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