Chapter 9

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I knew about Haru's father leaving the family to be with another man. Everyone pretended like nothing was going on and that auntie and Haru's father decided to divorce. But that wasn't the truth.

This all happened a year after I left for England. Haru was only 17 and I couldn't do anything for him. My aunt became a homophobe and Haru studied hard since then. You could say he put a hard shell around his heart, not letting anyone to break it. I'm guessing that's why he was so broken when he found out about the guy falling for another girl.

Even so what auntie, or should I say Maki did to Haru wasn't acceptable. I refused to believe she's my aunt!

"Have you calmed down Ritsu." Asks Takano rubbing my back trying to calm me.

I nod and he sighs " Everyone has their family problems. But know that I'll be here for you both." He finishes giving me a tiny smile.

"Thank you Masamune." I smile at him.

He kisses me softly on the lips that send butterflies in my stomach. Is not like it's the first time I've fallen for him so why does it feel like it is the first time?

Yuu P.O.V. (Yay! XD random author's note lol)

Lately I've been thinking about Haru a lot. Why is that? He seems nice and like a good person, but why is it that I can't stop thinking about him? Is it possible that I have forgotten about Chiaki?

"Urgh my thoughts are irritating me." I muttered under my breath as I arrived at Chiaki's place.

We have yet another deadline to meet cause he was too stupid to work on another work instead of the one he's supposed to.

I sigh and enter the room. It seems like I'm not the first one there. Haru is already sitting at a desk working on applying tones on a page. He seems serious while at work. Is he wearing glasses?

"You wear glasses Haru?" I ask as I make my way to my desk.

It seems like I scared him cause he jumped.

"You scared me! Um?" He says with confusion.

"Oh right I never introduced myself properly! My name is Yanase Yuu, you can just call me Yuu. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you!" He says smiling.

As I study his face I noticed his eyes. They are a pretty shade of blue, but they seem sad. Has he been crying?

"What are you staring at Yuu?" Haru asks with a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Oh sorry didn't know I was staring. But since when do you wear glasses?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

Haru hesitated for a second and finally said "Oh these are fake! I just wear them cause... They looked cool!"

Note to self Haru is a horrible liar. "You sure it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you were crying." I ask concerned.

I stare at his wide eyes that soon filled with tears. And without realizing it I was inches apart from his face, until our lips met. His lips were so soft and sweet.

Haru P.O.V

What? Why is he kissing me? Why is my heart racing and why is he such a good kisser?! No I can't do this, I can't fall in love. I push him away from me, catching my breath.

"Why did you do that?" I say raising my voice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to do that, I just couldn't help myself when I saw you crying." Yuu says.

I quickly look away not wanting to stare at those brown eyes a second longer.

"I'm fine" I whispered.

Falling all over again (RitsuxTakano)Where stories live. Discover now