Chapter 6

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"Oh looks like you got here fine." Says Takano heading towards his desk.

"Yup" says Haru all cheerful.

"Wait you knew about this?" I ask Takano.

"Well I found out just this morning that you two were cousins. But yeah I knew he started working here."

I sigh and look at Haru. "So why exactly are you working here?"

"Well one it's only part time. I'll be helping making copies and deliveries and stuff like that. And two I get to see you more so I thought it would be fun to make your life mise- I mean a fun life" he says quickly at the end.

"I feel like you were going to say something else there... And why just part time?" I ask curiously.

"Cause I'm also going to be an assistant with drawing manga. You know when a mangaka can't do all the work alone and needs help. Well that." He says explaining as if he were a pro. Which he totally isn't.

I sigh with relieve. "I thought you were going to become an mangaka. Thank god it's nothing that serious."

"Hey you're so mean!" He says pouting.

He was always good at drawing and art so I'm not that worried about him. I'm mostly worried about him breaking down again, I know that getting over a break up isn't easy.

Kisa clears his throat and says "Wouldn't mind interrupting your little reunion thing but Ricchan can you introduce us?"

"Oh right!" I say standing up.

"Everyone this is my cousin Haru. Haru these are my co-workers Hatori, Kisa, and Mino. You already know the jerk boss, Takano." I say pointing at each of them.

That last statement made Kisa and Mino laugh. Even Hatori had a slight smile, trying to hold back laughter.

"Get back to work!" Yells Takano.

That seemed to shut them up and go back to work.

"Ohhhh Ricchan your in trouble. You better behave or your going to get punished by Takano." Haru says laughing.

"Shut up!" I say blushing.

I don't even need to see Takano to know that he's smirking by now. Stupid pervy grin of his. Yet I can't stay mad... He did give me that bear and letter. What am I thinking?

"Well Ricchan I have to go. Work hard and I'll make dinner tonight!"

"Can it be curry?" I ask.

"Sure curry today then." He says patting my head.

"Okay." I say going back to work.

After he left Kisa finally bursted and said "That was so cute! How does he do that?"

"Do what?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Make you say cute things like that and have that smiling expression. Which now that I think about it, it's kinda creepy..."

I shrug and got back to work. Was I really smiling? (But what he didn't know it's that he was smiling cause of Takano. Hehe)

Haru's P.O.V

Well when I said that he was going to get punished I wasn't kidding. Takano nearly killed me this morning, if I hadn't said I was Ricchan's cousin, I probably would've been dead. Geez what jealously could get you into.

As I head to my next job I get all nervous. 'Geez Haru you'll do fine, it's not like it'll be your first time drawing'

Why the heck am I talking to myself?

Falling all over again (RitsuxTakano)Where stories live. Discover now