Chapter 1

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Hey hey it's me. So this story I had originally wrote it on for those of you that followed me because of that website I had also gone by the name Shay246. I decided to also post this story here. This was my ever first fanfiction I wrote on my Otp, Takano and Ritsu from Sekaiichi Hatsukoi. Excuse any mistakes I'm too lazy to re-edit all of this especially since the story is already completed. However I will be uploading one chapter a day cause it will take too long to just upload it all at once. Enjoy~

Hell week, the worst possible week where you literally see hell. In between running around getting manuscripts and threatening authors to get their manuscripts done you lose sleep and feel like I'm feeling right now. Which is like crap, I have bangs underneath my eyes from lack of sleep, my hair's a mess, and I haven't taken a shower for at least two days.When you thought everything couldn't get any worst our boss starts yelling.

"Oi everyone stop drowsing off and get back to work, the sooner we get through this the better!" Yells Takano from his desk.

"Takano-saaaan stop yelling I feel like my head will explode and I already have a headache" says Kisa tiredly at his boss.

At least I'm not the only one that feels like crap. I sigh and lay back in my chair. I hear my phone buzz and I make an effort to pick it up. Not looking at the caller ID, I raise the phone to my ear.

"Hello" I managed to say, which only sounded like someone dying.

"Wow looks like someone's in a bad mood!" Says a cheerful voice on the other end.

"Who are you again?" I ask bluntly.

"Ritsu! What the hell is wrong with you? It's Haru duh. Who the hell do you think I would be!" Haru screams at me and I held the phone away from my ear suddenly.

"Stop screaming I already have a bad enough headache for you to make it worse. So what do you want?" I say and suddenly feel pain on my head.

"Takano-san what the hell?! That hurt!" I say through gritted teeth, rubbing my head in pain from the book he threw at me.

"How many times do I have to tell you to limit your personal calls! Also if you have time to slack off you should do your work.

"I already finished!" I snapped back at him which only made him ignore me and went back to yelling at another person in the phone.

Jerk. I pay no attention to him as I continue to talk to Haru, who was really silent throughout the whole thing.

"So what is it Haru? Hurry up before I get another book thrown at my head or worse I end up killing my boss."

"Well that just happened. Anyways Ricchan can I stay over at your place for a few weeks?" I sigh and think about it for a few seconds before I answer.


"You are so mean why not?"

"Because I have a feeling that you are just going to goof off the entire time if I let you stay." There was silence for a few seconds.

"I promise I won't. I'll be your helpful little maid even."

I snort and say "More reasons to not let you stay, you just proved my point. Also don't say disgusting things you're a guy, just because you look like a girl doesn't mean you are one."

"You do realize I look a little like you right? Meaning you just called yourself a girl."

"Tch" I click my tongue, knowing I have no comeback to that.

"Looks like I won, so can I stay?"
I sigh in defeat and say "Fine but you're sleeping on the floor."

"Seriously you couldn't even say the couch?"

Falling all over again (RitsuxTakano)Where stories live. Discover now