Chapter 5

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Hey hey I'm totally alive! That's an interesting way of starting this...only reason for not updating is hell a.k.a school and at home problems but since I'm not in a great mood at the moment I decided to update this and Can I sing my way into your heart? today, possibly even please can you keep my secret though I can't promise anything with that one. Anyways let me just stop rambling.

It's been hours since we got home and decided to watch movies, wrapped up in blankets on the couch. Surprisingly we were able to get through a whole movie without changing it. Most of the movies are chick flicks and super corny. I didn't know Kisa was into those sort of things.

"I seriously don't get these types of movies. Too much kissing"

Haru starts laughing. "Ricchan it's supposed to be romantic!"

"How is kissing a guy who you were attracted to only cause he has muscles and only dated for 2 weeks and now he suddenly proposed to you... Is supposed to be romantic?" I say to him confused.

"You make a good point, it almost seemed desperate."

I take a quick glance at the clock and noticed that is 8:35 already. Wow time sure does fly when your having fun.

"Ricchan can we watch anime now?"

Haru asks looking like a little kid begging for candy.

I sigh and say "Fine, but it better be a good one"

And so we started watching this creepy anime with a demon butler and a child that made a contract. With a demon. A child. Why would he possibly do that?!

"Why the heck is a kid making a contract with a demon?!"

"Geez Ricchan just keep watching, it gets better"

I didn't ask anymore questions after the first two episodes. When the third started I exploded.

"How the heck does he do his job so perfectly?! And why use butter knives, when you could use a katana or something?!" I say irritated, mostly at the fact that he can do his job perfectly without any mistakes. Dang it why can't I do that?!

"Cause he's awesome and attractive like that, so he could pretty much do anything!" Says Haru with sparkling eyes.

"It still makes no sense!"

"Ricchan remind me to never, ever watch an anime with you. Just shut up and watch the ending"

~21 episodes later~


"Ricchan are you crying?"

"No I'm not something just got in my eyes. He took his soul now he's gone"

Haru sighs and hands me over a tissue. We've basically pulled an all nighter watching anime because we ended up with dark circles under our eyes. To top it off I cried with the ending. It's the feels I swear!

"Why aren't you moved with the ending?!"

"Cause I've seen this plenty of times. And I can't cry anymore with the first season only the second one though"

As soon as he finishes he starts crying too. What is wrong with us, I'm 27 and Haru is 28 and we still cry like little kids.

Eventually we just dozed off to sleep on the couch.

~In the morning~

"Ritsu! Ritsu!"

I hear my name being called but I can't seem to wake up.

"Geez Ricchan how the heck do you wake up in the morning?" That's Haru, but who's the other one talking?

"Honestly I have no idea how he does it. But seriously I didn't know you guys were cousins. So does he know?" Oh that's Takano, why the heck is he here and talking to Haru?! I thought he wouldn't be back till evening.

"No it's supposed to be a surprise so don't tell him yet kay?"

"Okay your choice. Well I'll go make breakfast try to wake him up for me."

"Ricchan wake up!" Screams Haru in my ear.

I grunt and pretend to still be asleep. "Five more minutes" I say sleepily. I would wake up by now but it seems a little awkward.

"What do you mean by five more minutes you've been sleeping for hours now!" He says shaking me awake.

"Fine I get, I'm awake!" I say standing up on the couch.

"You sure? I could always dump water on you." He says teasing.

"Why the heck would you do that? Either way I was awake this whole time. Why the heck are you here Takano I thought you wouldn't be back till evening!" I say loudly so he can hear me from the kitchen.

"Well if somebody hadn't turned off their phone. Then maybe I would've taken my time instead of rushing to get everything done for the meeting. So Isaka basically let me leave without having to attend the meeting." He says bringing two plates from the kitchen.

What kind of president lets his worker leave without attending a meeting? Oh right this is Isaka we are talking about.

"Here you two." He hands Haru and I a plate with scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Best breakfast ever!" Says Haru cheerfully.

"Crap forgot you don't usually eat American styled breakfast." I say irritated.

"Is that a bad thing?" Asks Takano, now with his own breakfast.

"No, as long as you don't give him chocolate we are good."

"Hence the reason why we stayed up all night watching anime. Though it was mostly cause Ricchan wanted to watch the whole thing and was impatient not knowing what happened."

"What are you a little kid?" Says Takano snorting.

I stuck out my tongue at him and just continued eating my breakfast.

"Ricchan you really are a kid!" Haru says laughing.

"Anyways why did you turn off your phone?" Asks Takano all seriously.

"Cause you were annoying me, plus we were having cousin quality time."

"Pfffft is that seriously what your calling it?!" Says Haru bursting into even more laughter.

"I was being serious!" I say back.

"Okay, okay we get it just hurry up and finish your breakfast. We still have work you know."

We continued eating away at our breakfast without talking. From the corner of my eye I could tell Haru was going to burst into a laughing fit any time now. Which brings me to this question, what's that surprise that both of them know about?

~At Marukawa~

I sigh and lay back in my chair. Dang it I really didn't want to go to work today. Those hours of anime are really getting to me now.

"Delivery!" Says a cheerful voice.

Wait I know this voice.

"Owww what the heck are you doing here Haru and why did you hit me?!"

I say irritated from the packet he hit me with.

"Dang it I didn't even get to say it. Oh well what I was going to say but you rudely interrupted me, was surprise!" Says Haru all dramatically.

I can tell this is not going to be a good week for me.

Falling all over again (RitsuxTakano)Where stories live. Discover now