Ten facts thing

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So I was tagged to do ten facts about me, I'm pretty sure I was tagged for other things before this... I've forgotten though... Well, anyways, here we go!

1- I'm a decent height. Not short. Not tall. Just... There.
2- I am in 20+ fandoms send help plz
3- I have a character that turned from me as a ghosty since my friend didn't want to draw me human, to a joke, to a character that was supposed to be like me, to this whole character that any time me or my friend get a weird idea for a character we just dump it on the ghosty. (I don't know why I included this either.)
4- My thumbs are VERY tiny. They are fat midgets I do not lie. Compare my thumbs to anyone else's and they will be anywhere from 5 millimeters to 2 centimeters shorter. Niamh-Yuki and EllipticeStardust can testify.
5- My hair USED to be a platinum blonde color. Now it is a light brown. Like you can't even call it dirty blonde anymore.
6- I'm Demisexual if you guys were wondering. It means I only look for personality, not looks or gender, also, I can't be attracted to someone I don't know REALLY well.
7- I'm taken
8- I used to be actually terrified of DHMIS to the point where if I even heard it playing I would get really aggressive towards my friends. I talked to my therapist about it though and they helped me. I still don't like it but I can stand it.
9- Voices Carry is playing right now in the car
10- I have been in one place my ENTIRE LIFE. My family has never ever moved. We do go to a different state for a few weeks every year, but y'know it's not the same. The thing is, though, I really don't mind! I love it here, even if some of my friends hate it, the sunsets are some of the best EVER, I know the streets by heart, and we have a nice sized house.

Well, that's all! If I forgot one of your tag things, please let me know in the comments! I don't wanna let anyone down!

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