Chapter 15: Friends and their wet beds

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It's been two weeks and every thought of Drake I've pushed it to the back of my mind. I was beginning to feel like good old boring me again. Now I see what all the bad boy fuss is about. They make you do things you wouldn't normally do, try stuff you would be caught dead trying on your own, and the feeling of being carefree and spontaneous will make you burst out of your boring shell. But at the same time, there are risks. Of course, everything must come at a price. If you aren't careful enough, the bad boy will creep into the walls that you have built through the years. That's why when he leaves, he takes all those feelings away and you are left with an empty shell that will soon be filled with regret, sorrow, bitterness, and if you are not careful enough, hatred.

My friends have noticed my change in moods. I've said some things to Tori but not much. That was thanks to the strong walls that I've built around myself. I really wanted to talk to Tori and tell her everything, but I just couldn't. I know I can confide in her but still the taste of betrayal was still lingering.

It was Friday. My brothers, as usual, had plans for tonight but not me. I decided to mope around the house on my sweats and oversized t-shirt with a tub of ice cream as my consoler. But no, Tori insisted on coming over and try to get me out of the house.

"Aw, come on Em. Come with us, you need to get out of this house," Tori complained for the fifth time. I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed. I gave her a sheepish look, and I could've sworn that she was the living image of the puss in boots with her big eyes and pout.

"Alright!" I gave an exasperated sigh and threw my hands in the air to complete the dramatic effect.

"Great!" she chirped and went to my closet.

"Tori, we are going to the mall not a club." When I saw that she kept throwing pieces of clothing on the floor behind her. One landed on my face and when I removed it I saw her smiling mischievously holding a high-low dress that reached mid-thigh and ankle flat boots.

I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom. Tori said through the door that she was going to get ready and would be here in twenty minutes.

I stood there looking at myself in the mirror. Taking the curler, I decided to get some curls in my lifeless hair and apply a little bit of make-up that Tori has gifted me over the years. I applied eyeliner, mascara, a little bit of bronzer -to see if it would change a little of my pale situation-, and some pink lip gloss. I threw my shoulder bag and went downstairs.

Ten minutes later.

"Guys please..." I said between chokes of laughter. "Stop..." I weakly grabbed my stomach.

"I swear! Soon I'll be an only child!" Tori fumed at Mason from the passenger seat who was laughing hysterically next to me on the backseat.

"Babe, calm down," Brad said biting his lips trying to stifle his laugh.

"Brad if you laugh, I swear I'll cut your balls!" Tori glared at him.

"Aw, come on Tori. Peeing yourself while sleeping is a common thing." Brad tried to reason.

"Yeah...for a seven-year-old!" Mason shouted between laughs. If we keep this up, we are going to end up in Tori's funny and embarrassing situation. Apparently, she had a lot to drink the night before and ended up peeing herself in her bed. Sorry, did I say her bed, I meant Brad's. He woke up with a jolt and thought that he was having a wet dream. Slightly embarrassed he confessed that it still happens, frequently. I know by then I was between jumping from the car -tuck and roll, baby- or claw my ears out. Though, he did not care that we knew about his 'confession', but Tori was furious that he accidentally spilled hers.

When we arrived at the mall, we went straight to the movie booth and bought our tickets. We had some time to spare so we decided to eat. I was playing with my food when I felt some shrieks from girls close to our table.

"That's him! In the black shirt...he's so dreamy," Blondie one said.

"Wow, they all are," Blondie two replied and the rest of the girls agreed.

I lifted my sight only to find the cause of my bitterness walking near the food court with three of his friends. As on cue, he looked at me and his happy expression changed to an annoyed one. Here I thought my walls were strong until I felt hurt. I looked down trying to hide my hurt expression and excused myself to go to the restrooms. I walked to a cubicle and locked the door. I sat down on the lid. My elbows were on my knees and my head on my hands. I took deep breaths, after a while I heard that someone entered the restrooms and knocked on the door.

"It's busy," I croaked. Emily, you need to pull yourself together. I took a deep breath and unlocked the door almost jumping at who was in front of me.

"Drake..." I breathed out. He stood there looking at me intensely trying to say something.

I crossed my arms and waited patiently for him to recover his ability of speech. I should go and wash my hands...

" know what, never mind," he said walking towards the exit. I lunged forward and grabbed his arm and with all my force made him turn around.

"No, now you will listen to me. I will not let you treat me like shit after I...opened myself to you. It's only fair that I get an explanation. And I want it now!" I stomped my feet to end my rant. I stood there breathing heavily, glaring at him. In a flash, Drake had me against the wall, his body flushed against mine. His breathing matched mine but he just stood there looking at me.

"Stay. Away. From me," he said slowly looking between my lips and my eyes.

"Why?" I asked confused and a little hurt.

Drake's eyes closed for a brief second, his face a mixture of resignation and dread. "It's not safe." If we were a feet apart I wouldn't had heard him. Then his hard and cold mask came on. He backed away and with a last glance, he left.

What the hell does he mean by that? I felt like punching a wall. Oh wait, I did. All of a sudden I felt an awful pain shooting from my knuckles through my whole arm.

"Shit!" I walked to the door shaking my hand and cradling it.

I went back to the table. After sitting down, I noticed that Drake was walking towards the exit. Mason followed my sight.

"Emily, is better if you stay away from Drake," he commented facing me with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, I heard that he is a street fighter," Brad added while finishing his drink. "And a good one, from what I heard he has never lost a fight and wins tons of money."

"For real? Where does he fight?" Tori asked kind of impressed.

"In this place across town, I heard is close to Presto's. In fact, I think he is fighting tomorrow night," Mason answered. "I wish I could go there."

"Why don't you?" I asked curiously and noticed that Tori had the same expression as I did.

"Are you insane? Everyone that goes there is either a gangster or involved in something illegal. It's pretty dangerous," he retorted. I heard an 'oh' from Tori.

Something clicked that must be why he was bruised that day. But it doesn't make sense, no matter how good he is, he couldn't get out unscratched. That only leads me to the conclusion that he began to fight after the last night we spent together. And if he's a street fighter, why is he afraid being seen with me? I feel a headache coming again.

"Can we go see the movie?" I whined making them see that I wasn't in the mood to talk about Drake.

In spite of Drake and I's brief encounter, I did enjoy the night. I went home and as usual, it was empty. I made sure to close the door and went straight to my room.

When I entered, I froze. I looked around and thought 'I didn't leave the balcony doors open'. I began to look in every corner of my room and bathroom. I found nothing. I closed my door and locked it. I went to my balcony doors and when I was about to close them I saw a note pinned on the handle. After I read it, all the air from my lungs left and it was hard to breathe again. What does it mean? Why is this in my room? I felt like a panic attack will soon happen. I dropped the note in the floor and went to the doors and closed them locking them in the process. I couldn't avoid but look at the note on the floor.

Tell Drake I know.

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