Emily's POV
"He lied to me Tori." My friend had a torn expression since we started talking.
"Emily, maybe he's giving your brothers some space. He got into some ugly fights when he was here." She tried to comfort me, but I still had my doubts.
"It's been three days." I looked out the window memories from when I last saw Drake came crushing back.
"I talked to him." She confessed and I snapped my eyes back to her.
"You did?"
"Yeah. And I know he doesn't say it but he's damn scared to lose you. He just doesn't know how to handle this situation with your brothers. It's hard for him, you know. And I'm the one saying this, not him. I think you are letting your brothers decide so much in your life it's affecting everything around you." She looked nervous but I admire her sincerity.
I looked down at my hands. "I know..." I whispered. "It's hard you know. They are all I have. I know they might get carried away sometimes, but they are the ones who had stood by me all this time through everything."
"You told me about your past Emily. I know it took courage. You have become a great person whom I love, and not only me but Mason and Brad also. You have overcome your nightmare. Think about it, you don't act like many other girls who had been in the same situation you have. Nobody would have guessed that something so serious happened to you. But still, here you are, with a boyfriend and friends who would do anything for you."
"I'm not brave Tori, if anything I'm confused. I don't know what to do or how to handle this situation. I'm lost."
"My friend. Who was the one who stood up for me on eight grade when a lot of kids made fun of my braces? Who was the one who took almost an entire week helping Brad on his math final last year? Who was the one who stayed with Mason when he got the chickenpox? And Who was the one who dragged everyone to a cancer foundation that raised 20,000 thanks to your school campaign?" She let out a breath. "The thing is Emily I can sit right here and tell you all the wonderful things that you have accomplished in your life, but it won't mean a thing if you don't believe that you are brave enough to do even more." I was in the verge of tears. I didn't know that my best friend thought all those things about me. A small tear escaped one of my eyes when I hugged her. In this moment I was never so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life.
"Now, it is up to you to stand up for what you believe in. Make your own decisions and dare to be yourself and screw those who don't like it." She said it to lift my mood but she was right.
I'm f*cking scared; I got to be honest, but since we are kids we dream of that day when we are old enough to do what we want. My day has come.
Tori helped me pack. Today I was leaving this awful place and go back home.
When I arrived home from the hospital, everything felt like the same except for one thing.
All my injuries felt like small insignificant bruises compared to what my heart was feeling. He never came back. I went upstairs after Tori left and my brothers decided to give me some space since they knew very well how I was feeling.
When I entered my room, the first thing I looked for was my phone. It had no battery so I decided to plug it and see if I had any messages from you-know-who.
Some of the first messages I opened were from Tori. Her level of anxiety grew with each one. Clearly they were sent before the accident. I kept scrolling down noticing some messages from Brad and Mason. They were like Tori's. I let a long sigh and decided to call them just to tell them that I was alright when one message caught my attention. It was from him.

Don't mess with her
Roman pour AdolescentsEmily's life is average. Typical nerdy girl who had a handful of friends. That due to not two, nor three, but four older brothers who would just scare any type of male who approached her. So what happens when a new mysterious bad boy arrives to her...