Another Tag, im not even kidding

71 9 38

I love doing tags, but this is so many!
Okay, I already know the rules, so honestly I'm just going to say look at the other chapter if you need them.
I know, I just broke rule #1, which is that I must post all the rules.
Yeah, that's right, I broke a rule. I'm a rebel.
*dances akwardly*

Anywhoo, I should stop dragging this on any longer.
I was tagged by willowpie53 who was tagged by me. You know what, Imma make your life painful, Willow.
I tag you to answer my questions.

1) Why do you think people create random tags like this?
I have absolutely no idea.

2) Do you read manga or watch anime? If not, go and do that now.
Um, of course I do! And I'm really annoyed right now because I can't find the next episode of AoT.

3) Are you insane like me?
Been in pain like me,
buy a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me,
Just to pour that-
Oh we aren't singing a Halsey song?

4) Do you find it hard to create 13 random questions?
Plus I'm lazy.

5) What's the most awkward situation you've ever been in?
Every second of my life. And I'm usually the one who makes it awkward.

6) Do you like hamsters?
I'm just going to go cry as I begin to get flashbacks.
And, yes, they are amazing, but a disturbing fan fiction ruined it and now I can't look at a hamster anymore.
The memories.......oh god.

7) Are you in the Phandom?

8) Who is your idol?
You mean to say of the 7.85 Billion people in this world, I have to chose one? Yeah, not happening.
And I am not about to chose between Dan and Phil.

9) What is the most annoying thing anybody has ever done to you?
Tag me in this. Right after I tagged them.

10) Do you ship tablemau? Do you even know what it is?
Garmau, Pfft.
Aarmau, whatever.
Larmau, ha!
Zanemau, ridiculous.
Tramau, lame.
11) What is your favourite number?
I love how British people spell favorite. My favorite number is 39. Don't ask.

12) What is your favorite thing in the world?

13) Do you find tags annoying?
Kind of. I don't mind, its just when several people tag me in things that it gets stressful. But I like telling you guys more about me.

Now for the 13 questions I make up.

1) If you had to choose between saving the world or saving whoever you're closest to, what would you choose?
2) Look up and advertise the first thing you see.
3) Recliners or chairs with wheels?
4) If you could be anything else for a day, what would you be?
5) What color are your eyes?
6) What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen on the internet?
7) Black, White, or No?
8) Who are your favorite song artists?
9) OTP?
10) Explain what water is without using the word water.
11) What is your favorite sport?
12) Favorite TV show? (Anime counts)
13) Biggest fandom ever?

Well as I stated earlier, I tag willowpie53
And also
2) -hideaway
3) Bluecheese234
3) Ginny__Weasley_
4) iWarriorDashie14
5) Masked-Angel (are these questions good enough for you)
6) NoxauraRiddle13
7) PercyPotterPrimPrior (HAHAHA I'm evil)
8) qashouo
9) swimophobia (yup, another one)
10) You.
11) Yes, you.
12) Person reading this.
13) I tag you.


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