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CHAPTER 8: Moving In


After we got June's stuff I drove her home with Calum behind us. I was a bit scared for her because her mom just started to beat her.. Right in front of me too, that was painful to watch. She looked out the window avoiding my face. "Michael just don't worry about me, okay? I'll be fine I promise."

"June you're not fine if you're staring out the window like that."

She turned her head around to face me, her cheeks had dry tear spots. That's why.. "I'm sorry June."

"No don't be, I'll be okay. Alright?"

She gave me a quick smile and turned head head away from me. Getting to my drive way she quickly took her seat belt off and rushed out the door. Calum parked on the side and looked worried about June as well. I walked over to him to help him unload the truck. "Is she going to be okay..?"

He asked me, I replied. "She's okay, she's only shaken up. I think the whole leaving her mom thing is really getting to her"

"And what she did to her when she saw June."

Calum was quick to say that, although he was probably right. We started lifting something's and moving it into the house. I looked around and didn't see June at first, then I looked to the bedroom and saw the door was closed. I'll just give her a bit of time before I should comfort her. "So this is a happy Christmas for you?"

I looked at Calum in confusion. "What does that suppose to mean?"

"You've got June, here, in your room. Wasn't that a stupid wish we made a year ago or something?"

I forgot about that, the guys and Nicole got together. We started to say things we had back in our lives or that we really wanted. Calum wanted a new base and badly, Luke want to get his lip priced, Ashton wanted some wicked drum sticks, Nicole and I wanted June home. Her and I became good friends that night in talking about June.

"Yeah I remember, and it wasn't stupid. It was a weird idea yea but.. I missed her a lot back then and now I have her.

"Well I will say, just in this day or so since you knew she was coming home. You've become a lot more happy, like your depression is gone from y-"

He cut the sentence off when I stared at him. He was going to say my mother, I knew that but I didn't want him to say it. June was somewhat close to my mom as well and I don't want to have her hear bout it. "Sorry dude, forgot it's still a bit of a touchy subject."

"It's okay Calum, I should be over it but I'm not."

"It's just greif, don't worry okay? I'm sorry and that's what matters."

He gave me a quick hug. "Thanks Calum."

He looked at me and smiles. Nodding he goes to his truck and drives to his house. When that happens June comes out of our room- that's still weird to say- she has a sweatshirt on instead of the shirt she had. Maybe she was just cold, she smiled softly at me and sat down on the couch. I sat down next to her and smiled, looking at her she smiled back. It was a happy smile. "Merry Christmas June."

"Merry Christmas Michael."

I kissed her, I didn't know what else to do. It was Christmas and I haven't gotten her anything.. Then again she did just fly in last night, but she has given me something. Her love and herself. I wasn't being fair to her, I should do something for her.

"June, you me and a walk tonight. What do you say, watch it snow again like the good old days?"

She hugged me, "Yes, that sounds like a lot of fun! It'll be nice to see what's happened around little town of Shakopee."

I smiled and nodded. "Until then, want to grab something to eat? Subway or Perkins?"

"Perkins you dork, that's my favorite place to eat other than Subway."

"Perkins it is!"

We both laughed, I got up and decided to get something else on rather a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt.


As soon as Michael left the room to go his room I sighed to myself trying to relax. I rubbed my wrist with them being so sore in the past, I looked down and saw that some of them broke out again and started to bleed. I was in a bit of pain. The last time I cut was about three months ago.

Everyone was on me when I was in the middle of my tour. Then my past started to haunt me, some of the haters found out about my mother. They brought up pictures of my wrist in the past as well. I started to cry my eyes out that night, I didn't perform that night because of what I did. I said I was sorry to my fans but if I performed I would have been questioned by the media because of the blood dripping from my arms. It wouldn't have been good if the news and the media got to them. TMZ would have been on my back about it all the arms and the cutting. The fans were accepting about the fact of the concert, I was happy when they were.

Soon after I saw Michael come out of the room, I gave a quick smile, I didn't want to have him see me in pain. He held his hand out to me, "Ready for the walk June?"

I nodded and smiled taking his hand, we walked out the door shortly after. It wasn't snowing yet but we could tell it was going to soon. The wet water and the dry air makes a good combo for a snowy night. He held my hand while we walked, I was happy but also felt rushed into doing things. I jerked my hand away from him and he looked a little upset.

"You okay June?"

"Yeah, my hand was cramping up a bit sorry. Didn't mean to make you worry."

"I wasn't worried, just curious of why you jerked away. That's all."

He smiled while we walked side by side. We approached Perkins soon after, how long has it been since I last went here... I wounded if Nicole still has the job here. If she does it'd be funny to see her.

"June you coming in?"

I didn't realize we got up to the door pretty fast. I must have been thinking to myself a bit while walking pretty fast.

"Yeah, sorry Michael."

We went in and got comfy, no one else was here, then again it is six in the afternoon. Dinner rush ended half an hour ago, but as soon as we came out Nicole, with her messy dirty blonde bun in, she saw us right away and ran over. "JUNE!.. I mean welcome to Perkins"

She tries to hold her laugh in, her boss came out to cheek on her and be smiled. It was Luke, he walked over to us smiling. "Hey you two, whatcha guys doing at my place?"

"You live here? You must get all the bacon."

He laughed at my sarcasm. "Nah, I'm the boss here. I like working here because I get to boss around Nicole all day."

"Hey, back off Mr.Lip piercings. I bite if you get me mad."

"Whoa there mop head, I could fire you for that."

"But you love me to much to do that."

Luke turned bright red, god Nicole is stupid sometimes. Wonder if she could get her head wrapped around things. It's plane and clear he likes her but she doesn't get it. "Nah I could but we need as much staff here. So I shouldn't fire you."

"That's a smart Luke!" She patted his head, "Now let me get back to my job."

Luke walked away back to his office. Nicole watched until he closed the door, then she got backed to work. "So what can I get you guys today?"

"I'll have a Dr.Pepper, thanks."

"I'll do the same."

"Alright I'll be back in a minuet with your drinks."

Nicole walked away and Michael started to play footsy. That wasn't awkward at all. I wish he would stop, I slowly start to pull my feet away from his side of the table. He looks at me curiously, yet worried at the same time. "You okay June..?"

Oh shit.... What do I say...

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