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CHAPTER 16: The Concert.

Looking at old pictures made me remember the happy moments I had with everyone. Laying all the pictures out on my bed, I found one that caught my eye, it was a picture of June. She was laying down in some grass, I imagine it was next to me because she was close to the camera, her hair was somewhat long, she looked really young, like maybe 8th grade or younger than that. It made me smile because that was the day I realized I liked her and I wanted to be her friend, but then Stacey, god Stacey, she really messed up everything between my friends. I shouldn't have let someone like her get into the way of my life like that; but I guess the shit happened and now my life has folded out to this. Looking at another picture I smile, it was the first concert the guys and I put on, well not really concert more or less out little dinky parties we had, Stacey and I were very much still a thing but I was at least talking to June at the time. Another picture caught my eye, it was all of them but me in the picture, it was before June left. The day she left was the day Stacey broke up with me, she saw I was falling for someone else that wasn't her. Boy was I dumb, I tried so hard to stay angry at her but it didn't work out. It's like trying to be mad at someone while drunk, you can't do it without spilling out what you really feel about them and making up.

Hearing a knock at the front door, I rush to it, opening it was Calum, "Come on Michael, it's time to go and see how magical this concert really is." With that he walked away, I can tell he still doesn't really want to talk to me. Sighing I grab my things and the tickets, walking out to the truck I see Luke is in the front and Ashton in the back with Calum driving. Looks like everyone is depressed and pissy to go to this, I don't think any of us wanted this day to ever come again. Three cheers for losing a friend again..


Walking through the gates to the concert, I looked around see all of the poster of her face, saying 'Come see June in action today', I wasn't to amused seeing these posters constantly while walking around in the walk space. Looking back at the guys, I could see they were slightly frightened by how many people give them stairs. "Come on guys, this is what we might have to dea--" an announcement interrupts me in the middle of my comment to them, "The concert is about to start, it's time to find your seats and enjoy the concert!"

Walking to our seats, we see how big the stage is and what's set up. What seems like to be a perfectly set dj stand with two to three computers and the amps set up perfectly just to the right amount of sound would come into them. A lot of guys here surprisingly, all of them- well most of them- were wearing a shirt saying welcome back June or I love June on the shirt. A lot of fan girls were holding up signs like take a selfie with me today or something weird that goes with her name. I couldn't imagine how weird that would be for me to hold something up for June like that.

When we got to the seats finally the show was about to start, but as most musicians know, a smaller gig will always play before the main event of the show. I wonder who will play with her tonight?


"I want to welcome my friend and partner June on stage! EVERY CLAP AND CHEER FOR HER"

Finally, it's time for June to shine, that lasted a bit longer than I hoped it would. an hour and a half? It got kind of boring of her to do this, nothing wrong with Ecco Smith but I came to see June.

Waiting for June to come out on stage, everyone around me, including the guys, were cheering her on and waiting for to come out on the stage. It wasn't long, before she came out waving at everyone. "Good Evening Minnesota! Who's ready to hear some sick ass beats I've been working on!"

With her smile she brought the microphone out to the audience to scream and she smiles sticking her tongue out. Who was this person and why wasn't she like the June I knew once before, setting up her headphones and stand she started to play something I knew right off the bat, it was Killer Queen, by Queen. She started doing her magical work on the stage of what she does best, within five minutes the first song was over. It really didn't seem like it was only five minutes, time goes by faster when it's something you like hearing and listening to.

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