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CHAPTER 13: Happy New Year's?


I don't know what hit me, I don't know where but whatever it was it felt amazing. Slowly without a reaction I awoke from Michael's bed wondering why I was naked. I peeked underneath the blankets not sure enough so was he... Wait a minute, Oh god I did have sex with him, I thought that was a dream last night, I didn't think it was real.

I grabbed one of his shirts and a pair of my underwear, slowly walking I leaned against a wall from the shocking pain that I got. Well needless to say last night was my first time doing anything with Michael or anyone at that, I guess it's true when your health teacher says it's gonna hurt the day after.

Slowly but surely, I opened the locked door to the living room to see if anyone stayed the night. Not surprised to see but Nicole and Luke stayed the night on the couch. Oh look There cloths are everywhere and they have two heavy blankets.. Dear god, this place became a sex sanctuary for band members and a waitress.

Well let's get the coffee ready, I'm pretty sure that's what everyone is gonna want when they get up, or if they get up. God why do I have a pounding headache.. I wonder how much I drank last night to be hung over like this.. Blehhh.

After the coffee pot came to life I walked to the bathroom just to wash up and look decent when everyone awakes. When I walked in I saw my neck right away, covered in hickeys and bite marks. How freaky did he get with me last night, holy shit. I moved the shirt down to see my shoulders and saw grip marks and nail indents he made into my skin, Wow.. What the fu- "Morning June"

Michael snuck up behind me smiling, I jumped slightly not expecting him right away but then he hugged me from behind. I looked up at him and saw the marks I left on his neck. We must have been really wasted for this to happen. He leaned his head down to kiss my cheek and all I could do was giggle. Stupid as it sounded it's true, one of those moments where it's cute and all you can do is giggle at the moment you had. "You feeling okay June?"

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine why do you ask?'

"Well, I mean we both have some pretty fucked up markings on our body."

I traced one on neck and he made sort of a sad face. "I hope they don't hurt June."

"Michael, do you think I would lie to you if they were?"

"I know you and I think you would lie to me about you being in pain, you've done it before."

Without him saying that he grabbed my arms and traced the cuts on my wrist gently. I got a instant chill down my back moving my wrist away from him slowly. "Michael, you know that was months ago and I was under a lot of stress back then."

"Yeah I know that but for the fact I know you, are you in any pain whatsoever..."

I nodded my head looking down at the fact that I probably hurt his feelings. "I'm sorry June." He whispered into my ear softly.

"Michael don't be, for the fact you gave me my first time ever, It was different."

He gave me a soul stair and walked away.. He had a guilty look on his face. I wonder if he is lying to me.

I followed him out of the bathroom seeing Luke and Nicole awake and dressed. Michael was in the kitchen. Luke had a weird look on his face like he knew something was up, then looked over at me wanting to talk is my guess. Nicole decided that she wanted to go an talk to Michael, so she followed him into the kitchen, Luke and I went outside in the cold where it started snowing lightly.

Standing outside gave me a bad feeling, the stair he had on his face looked like he could be a cold hearted murder, but knowing Luke personally he is such a sweetheart, he could honestly never hurt a fly. Just when someone in the group is down or upset, he becomes kind of a dad in a way.

"So, what's going on with Mikey?"

I could only give him a cold stare of confusion. When Luke saw the face I gave him, he sighed. "Do you have any idea what's going on with him?"

"Luke if I did, would I be honestly be giving you this stair?"

Luke shook his head, then opened the patio door to go back inside hearing Michael yelling at Nicole. "Do you not get it? I am hurting her more than what you could imagine! She comes home and what do I do, I abandoned her at a fucking Perkins! Then when I come home, I see herself punishing for my troubles. I have hurt her again, she can show the marks I have left on her."

Nicole was in the fight now. "Mikey she probably had the best night of her life last night and you gave that to her. What you don't get is you make her happy beyond all people in this house right now. You give her hope! You are her reason to keep fighting, she wanted to see you before stuff happened again."

Nicole covered her mouth fast. I forgot I told her about the whole going on tour again after school is out.

"Explain to me now."

"Mikey..." I stood there not knowing how he was going to take the new's Nicole accidentally told him. I know deep down inside she didn't mean it in the end.

"June." Nicole had a faceless expression on her face.

"That's enough out of you two!" Luke stormed over when the conversation was over.

Michael's facial expression wasn't to happy when he looked at me. He looked away in anger and kept his head down. I lowered my head ready to cry, I don't want to be around someone like this when they get news like this.

I walked inside, hearing how quiet the room got I don't think anyone wants me here. I went to hide in the bedroom to get dressed to go outside.

I waited inside the bedroom before going out to go for a walk to clear my mind... No to find a new place to live in for a bit. Luke and Michael were outside but bundled up ready. Nicole was under a blanket in the couch going through her instagram, at least from the rapid scrolling and double tapping. Perfect timing for me to slip out un-noticed, so it's exactly what I did.

What I didn't expect was someone who I thought I'd never see again. My manager...

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