Chapter 17

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"Did you have fun?"Elliott asked as we got back in his car.
"Yeah it was an amazing first date." I responded and kissed his cheek. We had spent around 4 hours at the carnival , Elliott won me a stuffed bear that was almost as tall as me and i made him ride the fireball with me, yeah never again.
"Well its not over yet." He smiled his face flushed from when i kissed him.
"Theres more!?" I questioned.
"Yes." He said and drove us towards the beach.
"Okay so now im going to have to blind fold you ." He said as we parked in the parking lot by the beach.
"Your not going to kill me are you ?" I chuckled.
"Why would i kill you? If i were to loose you I'd die." He whispered in my ear and successfully covered my eyes.
"Okay Casanova that's enough ." I giggled and let him lead me through the unknown .
After a few times of Elliot walking me into trees and me tripping we finally stopped and i heard the sounds of a waterfall.
"Ready?" He whispered.
"Yeah." I grinned and eagerly awaited for him to remove the blind fold.
"Wow." I gasped as I saw what was in front of me a beautiful stream was there and to the side sat what looked like a picnic.
"Eli." I said as i turned to look at him but found out he wasn't behind me.
"Eli?" I asked as I looked around but soon found him on the floor kneeling on one leg
"Snow?" He asked with a shaking smile.
"No,no,no." I responded with wide eyes and a beating heart as i stepped away from his kneeled figure.
"No! I'm not proposing. I just Snow when you were taken i died on the inside i was so scared I'd never see you again. Hell i never even had the chance to hold you before they took you. When you were gone i realized that i wasn't trying hard enough you were choosen by the moon goddess for a reason we are mates for a reason. I just... i guess what I'm trying to say is that, Snow will you except this promise ring to show to the world and let them know that I'm never letting you go." He said as he held my hands and stared into my eyes.
"I... yes." I laughed as a large grin took over his facial features.
"Oh thank god i thought you'd say no." He said and slipped on the ring before standing up and spinning me in his arms.
"I no its really early and this is only our first date but I think I'm falling for you Eli." I whispered before i placed and feather like kiss on his lips.
"Well i guess that's a good thing because i think im falling for you to." He smiled before roughly cathing my lips with his.
"Come on ." I smiled as we pulled away for breath.
"Where we going?" He chuckled and let me pull him along.
"Lets go swimming." I smirked as i looked him in the eyes and took off my shirt causing his eyes to widen and then darken in lust.
"Swimming?" He asked in a husky voice.
"Yeah lets go swim." I smirked and took my pants off before jumping into the lake behind me.
"Two can play at this." he smirkes before taking his shirt off making me be the one staring at him in lust now.
"See something you like?" He laughs and takes his pants off leaving him in his boxers.
"Yeah it the best part is it's all mine." I laughed before turning around and swimed away from him.


After swimming for around 2 hours we decided it was time to go home.
"Sorry about the picnic."i commented as we walked towards the untouched picnic basket.
"It's fine as long you had fun." He responded and picked up the blanket and basket.
"Lets go." He said throwing his arm around my shoulders dragging me towards the car.


"Thank you Elliott." I smiled as he dropped me off in front of my house.
"No thank you for agreeing on going on this date with me." He said as he got out the car and walked around to open my door.
"It's not like I could of said no." I laughed and slowly we walked towards my front door.
"Yeah you can." He smiled and placed a hand on my cheek tracing his fingers over my lips.
"Goodnight Eli." I said and kissed his lips.
"Goodnight." He said when he moved away and started to walk back to his car with his hands in his hands.
Gosh i got a perfect mate. I thought as i opened my front door and walked in.


Sorry its short but i hope you liked the chapter guys. I'd really some feed back haha. Anyways you know the drill





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