Chapter 23

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''They told me to be here at 7:30 and it's already 7:45 where the heck are they.'' I thought to myself.

"So she shows after all." A raspy voice fills the quietness of the park.
"Where are you?" I asked as i stood up from the bench i was sitting on and looked around to try to find the source of voice.
"That is for me to know and for you to find out." The voice laughed.
I quietly sighed and relaxed as i let the earth guide me towards the voice.
"Found you." I said and created a barrier on their feet. I started walking to the captured person when i was hit from behind with a knife.
"Should of been faster sweet heart." A female voice laughed as a face i knew to well stood in front of me.
"August." I gasped as i looked at my former best friend.
"Missed me?" She smirked a sinister smirk.
"What happened to you?" I asked through gritted teeth as i pulled the knife out.
"The greatest thing actually, it was on my 17th birthday when it happened. I was walking home from the club when my friend, that you so kindly have in a fucking rock wall decided to attack me. I wasn't supposed to live but it seems like somehow my blood mixed with whatever small amount of venom got in my blood stream when he bit me. When i woke up i was changed i was stronger, faster, hotter and everything was perfect until my first hunger strike. I was in school like every other day but the difference was i was getting really bad pain in my stomach i remember sitting at a table in the library and Sophia had sat next to me asking if i was okay, she placed her hand on my shoulder and i lost it. A simple touch of her skin had my sences tingling and the urge was incredibly strong so i bit her and well obviously it was my first feed so she's dead now." She laughed as she jumped on a tree near by.
"So your with them now." I asked as i stood up after my wound healed. Yes my wounds heal fast after all i have vampire and werewolf genes I'm bound to heal faster then them.
"Well of course." She laughed and whistled loudly .
"Hello Snow so good to see you." Klaus the leader of the Dark One's smirked as he and the other four members came out of the shadows.
"Klaus." I spit out in distaste.
"Oh come on honey thats no way to greet an old friend." He  chuckled as he motioned August over. Like an obedient puppy she quickly went to his side and he slipped an arm around her shoulder.
"Snow you might want to let my brother go he is getting offly tired of not being able to move." Elizabeth said as she smirked in my direction.
"No can do ." I smirked as i tightened the barrier around her brother.
"Carefull love wouldn't want to kill your beta female would you ." The voice of Jeremy (Elizabeth's brother) whispered into my ear.
"But" i stuttered in confusion until i realized what they said.
"Mason get your ass out here and come get Maria she's currently in one of my barriers."  I linked as i quietly examined the group in front of me.
"Oh look she's trying to link her pack to bad she won't get to them aftet all they're all unconscious." August laughed as she scooted closer to Klaus.
"What did you do to them." I growled as anger coursed through me the wind around us picking up as the weather matched my emotions.
"Feisty." Jeremy laughed .
"Enough of this nonsense." A voice that sent shivers down my spine called out as a man stepped out of the circle.
"Elijah we were only having fun." Klaus sighed but stepped away from me.
"Who are you?" I asked as my heart rate speed up as fear took over my body.
"Don't you remember me dear ?" He smirked.
"Obviously i don't if i did i wouldn't be asking dumbass." I sighed .
"You will not speak to me that way stupid girl." He growled as he ran up to me and grabbed me by the neck .
"Fuck you." I spat as i chocked and acted hopeless.
"Unless you want to die i suggest..."  He caught off as i threw a rock at the back of his head.
"You really should not of have done that." He growled as his eyes turned black.
"To bad." I smirked and kicked him in the crotch. His hand quickly let go of my neck as he fell to the floor in pain .
"Get her." He chocked out as he cupped his jewels.
"Zachary where the fuck are you." I linked as i a created a mini tornado around me to buy me some time.
"Not yet." He replied.
"Damit." I groaned as i realized August had broken through.
"Lets play." She smirked as she pulled out her sword.
"Don't you think that's a little old school." I mocked as i lifted her in the air and threw her across the park with a flick of my wrist.
"You bitch that's my girlfriend." Klaus growled as he punched my face.
"That horrid thing, honey thats just sick." I laughed as i spit out blood and punched him in the gut sending him to the ground.
"This should be fun." Elizabeth smirked as she flashed her vangs at me and kicked me in the chest sending me flying into a near by tree or two.
"Look who's not so tough now." Jeremy smirked as he came up from behind me and inserted a shot into me causing me to grow dizzy.
"There, now this fight will be fare." He smirked as he stepped away from.
"What the fuck did you do." I growled as i realized i could no longer feel the elements around me.
"Now lets see who's stronger." He smirked before he delivered a blow to my ribs causing me to fall to the floor.
"Anytime now Zachary." I linked as i stared up at Jeremy.
"Its not time" Was his answer
"You know what fuck it." I groaned and quickly stood up and punched Jeremy in the temple causing him to fall unconscious.
"You bitch ." August screamed as she charged at me .
"Shit." I groaned as she tackled me to the ground.
"You stupid foolish girl thinking you can take us down." She smirked as she kneeled in front of me .
"Now let's see if your blood is really as rich as they say it is." She said as she bit her lip and moved towards my neck.
"Fuck you ." I laughed as she was centimeters away from my neck i quickly grabbed her neck and twisted till i heard a crack and felt her fall limp.
"I thought you fuckers were supposed to be hard to fight." I said as i stood up.
"August wasn't the brightest nor the strongest we didn't expect her to last in an actual battle." Elijah said as he walked up to me.
"What did y'all do to my pack." I growled as my wolf got angered.
"They're  sleeping, dont worry we don't have time for those flea bags." Elizabeth sneered in disgust.
"But you have time to take my beta female?" The husky voice of my mate said as he appeared from the shadows.
"How are you awake you should be out cold." Klaus hissed as his eyes turned red.
"Helps to have a werlock on your side." He said with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Elliott when they gave me that shot all my shields and barriers should of dropped. Did Mason get her already?"  I linked.
"Yeah he got her." He responded.
"Zachary can you get ahold of Johnnie and see if he woke up the pack?" I linked.
"They're fine, Johnnie said for you to eat the berries on the plant besides you. They'll over power the poison in your system and you'll be able to use your powers again." He said.
"Okay " I said and slowly started scooting towards the berries.
"What are you doing?" Elijah asks as he sees me about to eat one.
"I'm hungry." I replied and quickly ate it.
"Babe what are you doing?" Elliott linked as he saw me eat the berry.
"Johnnie said it'll cancel the poison from the shot." I replied.
"That little bitch." Elijah growled and as he staired at me.
"What happened?" Klaus asked.
"She is getting help from the outside." Elizabeth said as she walked towards us causing Elliot to jump to a protective stance.
"Enough of these games." She said and lifted her hand in front of Elliott causing him to freeze.
"I can't move." Elliott hissed as he stood in place.
"There's a reason we're called the dark ones you know. We aren't as easy as you thought we were now why don't we do this for real." Elizabeth said.


To be honest i don't like this chapter. But i haven't posted in a while and i feel guilty, also it's getting really hard to end the book haha i want it to be good so you guys can enjoy it.
So that's why updates are a longer wait then they were before.
Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter .
You know the drill





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