Chapter 24

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"That little bitch." Elijah growled as he staired at me.
"What happened?" Klaus asked.
"She is getting help from the outside." Elizabeth said as she walked towards us causing Elliot to jump to a protective stance.
"Enough of these games." She said and lifted her hand in front of Elliott causing him to freeze.
"I can't move." Elliott hissed as he stood in place.
"There's a reason we're called the dark ones you know. We aren't as easy as you thought we were,now why don't we do this for real." Elizabeth said.


"Zachary what do i do." I linked .
"Stay alive." He replied and cut off the link.
"Fuck, okay let's start this." I sighed as i took a deep breath and let the elements control me.
"About damn time." Klaus smirked as a wicked grin covered his features.
"Let's play pretty boy." I smirked and popped my knuckles as i lifted my fists and prepared for the first hit.
"Oh this is going to be fun." He smirked as he ran behind me and tried to grab my neck.
"Did you forget Klaus , I'm part vampire it'll take a little more than speed to get me. " I teased as i dodged his attack.
"Boo." Elizabeth whispered in my ear before punching me in the jaw.
"Fuck that hurt." I said as i spit blood out.
"What happened to speed not being enough" Klaus teased.
"It still isn't for you at least." I chuckled and picked up a boulder from besides me an threw it at Klaus causing him to go flying into near by trees.
"Now that wasn't very nice." Elizabeth said as she walked up to me her eyes turning black as she attempted to control my body.
"Not going to work honey I'm a hybrid that shit don't work." I laughed and punched her in the throat.
"Fuck you." She coughed out as she flicked her wrist at me and i was surrounded by a bunch of mirrors.
"What the fuck is this!" I yelled out and sighed in irritation.
"Why don't we play a little game?" Elizabeth said as her image surrounded me.
"Get me the fuck out of here Elizabeth!" I yelled.
"Sorry no can do." She laughed as she threw a dagger at me hitting me in the left shoulder.
"Fuck." I gasped as i yanked it out.
"Now I'm pissed." I said and closed my eyes letting the elements guide me.
"Is the little baby going to cry." Elizabeth laughed as she jumped around going mirror to mirror.
"Keep them distracted I'll help soon." Zachary linked.
"You no it's pathetic how you're supposed to be some kind of hot shot vampire yet there is nothing amazing or special about you. So you can pull a trick with the mirrors big whoop." I mocked.
"Oh you haven't seen nothing yet." She growled out before stepping in front of one of the mirrors. She smirked when she caught my eye and lifted her hand and closed her fist.
"Fuck." I groaned when i felt the vibrations threw the ground .
"Let's play games Elizabeth." Klaus said as he stepped into the view of one of the mirrors.
"Yes why don't we." She laughed.
"Vibrations won't kill me." I groaned as i clutched my head from the pain. You see because i was connected with the elements the unnatural interference was hurting my body physically .
"No but this will." Klaus's voice drifted through the air before the mirrors around me exploded.
"Shit." I gasped falling to my knees as I felt the glass cut me.
"Zach where the fuck are you." I linked as i shakily stood up.
" Why the hell do i feel so weak i should be able to fight them I'm stronger than this. " I thought.
"Wow this sucks looks like i missed out on all the fun." Zacharys voice filled the air .
"And who the fuck are you." Elijah sighed as they all surrounded me.
"Mother fucker that hurt." I grit out through clenched teeth as I slowly stand up.
"The names Zachary , and I'm your worst nightmare." Zachary smirked as he took in each member.
"Elizabeth get rid of this kid." Elijah said as he looked at Zachary .
"Bye pretty boy." Elizabeth said and lifted her hand the same way she did when she froze Elliott.
"Are you waiting for a high five or something?" Zachary laughed as he watched the confusion over take the vampires faces.
"What the hell." Klaus muttered.
"He's the same as her." Elizabeth said after a moment of silence.
"Ohh look who's smart ding ding ding, congrats sweetheart do you want a cookie now." Zachary teased.
"I don't give a fuck lets kill him." Klaus said and went charging at Zachary.
The two fought while Elizabeth and i stared and circled one another.
"So i guess we're going solo ay?" I asked as i took out yet anothet shard of glass from my side.
"I guess we are."
"About damn time i was beginning to wonder if you were capable of fighting your own battles." I mocked.
"Fuck you." She said and lunged at me.
"Go to sleep." I said as i moved and made her crash head first into a boulder.
"I think you just chipped my tooth."Elizabeth spat as she looked at my in outrage.
"Oops." I laughed.
"That's it I'm trough with games." She said and tried to jump at me but she was stuck in place.
"What the hell is this." I heard Elijah ask as he too couldn't move it was when i turned to look at him when i realized Johnnie had joined the battle and was fighting Elijah.
"I can't move." Zachary said as tried to move.
"None of us can dumbass." Klaus said.
"Shut up I...."
"What is this nonsense." A beautiful women spoke in outrage as she stepped out of the shadows.
"Mother what are you doing here!?" Elijah asked as he stared at the women he called mother.
" Elizabeth's father called me saying y'all have become some blood thirsty monster and would be tryimg to take this young women here." She said as she placed a hand on her hip on looked at Elijah in disappointment.
"Mother now is not the time I'm taking care of business." Elijah said his face turning red from embarrassment.
"No you're not none of y'all the council has ordered me to return y'all to the coven if anyone fails to return they shall be banned and hunted down." She said as she moved her index in a way that you beckon someone . Immediately every member was pulled to her .
"We are leaving and that's final." The women said and with her other hand she directed towards us freeing us before they vanished through thin air.
"What the fuck just happened." Zachary asked as him and Johnnie walked towards me.
"I don't know." I sighed and felt my body relax it was then that i realized i still hadn't of healed. It was then that i felt the pain.
"Fuck." I groaned as my legs gave causing me to fall into Zacharys arms.
"Let's get you to the pack doctor." He said as he carried me.
"Elliott where's Elliott." I asked as i felt my eyelids grow heavy.
"Snow!" I heard his voice yell and before i knew it i was in his arms.
"Elliott." I muttered before the darkness took over.


Okay so i originally didn't plan for this chapter to be like this but I thought it would be better to have a not so typical ending battle to my story. Yes i said ending this was originally supposed to be the last chapter but i soon changed my mind and realized i still have a lot more to explain so i cut the chapter short and decide that maybe two more chapters can't be that bad. Haha anyways I hope you liked the chapter and I'd appreciate any comments on it wink wink.
Well you know the drill





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