Chapter 18

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-The next day-

"Soo how was it!?" Maria asked as she walked into my room.
"How the hell did you get into my house ?" I asked while getting out of bed.
"Your front door was unlocked, you should really start to lock it." She commented and followed me to my closet.
"Is there something you need?" I asked playing dumb.
"What happened last night?" She asked with an excited grin.
"I slept?" I teased.
"No you bitch what happened during the date?" She laughed and sat on my bed as she watched me get my outfit.
"Can you like turn around so I can change?" I asked.
"There i turned, now tell me what happened." She demanded.
"We went to the carnival and then to a beautiful waterfall."
"Is that seriously all your going to tell me."She asked with an annoyed expression.
"Yes." I laughed and walked out the room and into the restroom in front of my bedroom.
"Snoww." She whined.
"What?" I asked with a mouth of of toothpaste.
"Please i helped get you ready, you have to tell me what happened." She said and gave me her puppy dog face.
"Fine we went to a carnival and Elli won me a stuffed bear." I said after spitting out the tooth paste and rinsing my mouth.
"I made a bet with him if i could eat my cotton candy faster then him, he'd have to ride the fireball with me i won obviously." I smiled as i thought about last night.
"Then what?" She asked as we sat on my bed which i don't even remember walking to.
"He was screaming like a little girl the whole ride you should of seen his face it was priceless." I giggled and subconsciously pulled Kellin (the teddy bear Elliott won) closer to me .
"Yeah alpha never was the bravest when it came to roller coasters." She laughed.
"Anyways after that we walked back to the car and i thought that was the end of the date but i was wrong. He drove for another hour and stopped in front of some the woods i thought he was going to kill me haha. But i was wrong ha anyways i dont know what direction we went,once we got out of the car he blindfolded me and lead me into a couple trees. He's such a dork." I smiled and stopped talking.
"Well continue." She demanded and threw a pillow at my face.
"Okay chill women." I laughed.
"After falling and walking into trees a couple of times we finally stopped walking and he took the blindfold off. The view was amazing we were in a field of flowers and to the side was a picnic but the best part was the waterfall that just seemed to sparkle under the moons glare.
When i was looking around he had kneeled so whrn i turned i thought he was proposing man I freaked." I chuckled.
"He proposed?" She screached on shock.
"No haha he just promised and he gave me this promise ring." I smiled and bit my lip s she grabbed my hand and inspected the ring.
"Wow ." She said in awe.
"Anyways after that we swam for ahwile and then when it was time to leave we realized we never actually had that picnic." I laughed and sighed before falling back onto the bed with a big goofy smile on my face.
"Wow who knew our Alpha could be such a sap." Maria laughed and layed down next to me.
"It was a perfect first date." I sighed.
"Oh yeah, i forgot to tell you Elliott wants to talk to you he said for you to go to his office at 12:30." Maria rushed as she quickly sat up and pulled me up with her.
"Maria wait my keys."
"Elliott is going to get pissed if your late." She muttered as she continued pushing me down the stairs.


"Maria...MARIA!" I yelled causing her to stop and give me a questioning look.
"I need me keys you stay here and wait." I demanded and surprisingly she listened.
"Okay I got my ...keys." I trailed off as i walked out of the room and realized she wasn't infront of the stairs anymore.
"Maria?" I asked and tuned in to my werewolf hearing to try to find a sound of her.
"Snow run!" Maria screamed as i made my way down the steps.
"No!" I yelled and ran towards her to see three wolves surrounding her.
"Snow you have to get Elliott." She said before shifting.
"I'm your Luna Maria, and Lunas don't abandon her pack."i said and joined the battle, after killing off the two wolves that came at me i heard a soft whimper.
"Snow wake up!" A voice screamed as i turned to see Maria held by the throat by someone all too familiar .
"No please, leave her alone." I begged as I saw his grip tightening on her neck.

"Snow wake the fuck up!" A voice yelled before slapping me across the face.
"They have her oh my gosh!" I yelled as I opened my eyes my vision blurred from the tears.
"Snow calm down look at me baby." A softer and calmer voice coed as the held my face in their hands. I slowly started to take deep breaths as i felt the sparks from my mates touch as he rubbed soothing circles on my cheeks.
"Elli?" I asked in a shaky voice as i finally calmed down and saw him in front of me.
"Are you fine now love?" He asked me with concerned eyes.
"Elliott where's Maria?" I asked .
"Im right here Snow." She said as she came into sight and sat next next to Elliott.
"Maria oh gosh your okay." I whimpered and hugged her.
"What happened ?" I heard Elliott ask her as i staid in her arms trying to assure myself that they wouldn't be coming back.
"We were rushing down the steps to get to your office when she fainted she fell down the last 5 steps and wouldn't wake up. I linked you and then she started screaming and was telling someone to let me go, she was crying and trashing about. Im so sorry alpha." She whispered as a tear slid down her face.
"Elliott they had her." I whimpered as i let Maria out of my grasp.
"Who love who had her?" He questioned as he pulled me into his lap.
"The leaders ... the dark ones they've returned."


Ohhh shit, things just got intense. Also i finally wrote a little over 1,000 words im so proud. Hope you like it guys anyways you know the drill





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