Nighttime cuddles

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Dan: You're laying with him in the candle light and gently stroking your fingers across his body. He begins to release some breathy chuckles because it tickles his stomach so you look up at him as he smiles down at you. "What" you ask with a smirk. He doesn't reply, just giggles, so you bring a hand up to play with his fringe and push it back and pull him gently by the neck to kiss him on the cheek, to which he turns his head, so it turns into a kiss on the lips. You then boop his nose and giggle as you shuffle back down into his chest to give him a squeezy cuddle from the side.

Phil: You were on your side of the bed, reading your latest book endeavour as you begin to hear chuckling from the beautiful man laying beside you. You look over and see him giggling at a video playing on his laptop. From what you could make out it was some kind of compilation video, but you were drawn to it. Phil noticed you observing him and asked you if you wanted to watch with him, to which you replied "small things amuse small minds" with a small laugh. "Well I guess that means yes" he said as he gave you one of his earphones. "We're made for each other" you both agreed before you snuggled into his side and layed your head onto his chest as you began a long night of people falling over.

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