Dating Dan Howell Would Include..

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• bribing him to get off the couch and go places with you with kisses
• him telling people he's really bad at flirting, but really, he's a natural and it sweeps you off your feet every time
• lots of video games
• him looking at you fondly
• always speaking highly of you whether you're there or not
• helping him through existential crises
• squishing his cheeks
• him squishing your cheeks back and it becoming a squish war
• going to events with him and being like the only one he talks to out of all his friends
• being a really hot couple
• him doing grabby hands to get you to come cuddle with him
• making constant jokes about possible height difference
• him actually calling you to tell you he liked the picture you posted of yourself
• having many movie nights where he purposely chooses horror movies he thought would scare you but it ends up scaring him more so he's actually hiding his face in your shoulder
• you being one of the only people he can stand talking to nearly all the time
• being best friends with Phil
• innuendos
• lots of swearing
• having domestic arguments
• Dan not being able to stand you being angry at him
• back hugs
• him always talking to his friends about how lucky he was to have you as a girlfriend
• you accidentally walking in when he is doing a livestream
• you having nightmares and him shushing you and calming you down while he rubs your back in circular motions

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