You find out he self harms

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*Trigger warning*

Dan: You cuddle up to Dan, tracing patterns on his chest with your hands. Your fingers brush over a protruding scar at the side of his waist and you look at it immediately. You knew Dan had troubles with self harm and depression in the past but he told you that was a long time ago. Dan notices your sudden stop in movement and looks down to see your wide eyes. He tries to cover it up immediately but you stop him. 'No, Dan. Tell me why.' You say, knowing from experience how to deal with him best. Dan looks directly into your eyes, and you see guilt in his. 'I guess those thoughts were coming back, the ones I locked away for years.' He says, simply, but you know what he means. 'Oh Dan, you should have told me.' You say, hugging him and kissing his cheek. 'It's not something I'm proud of Y/N.' He says, looking down. 'It's alright, we can get through this. I'm going to support and help you. But you know you have to try to stop. I know you can.' You say as Dan nods. You hug him tighter than before and promise yourself you will make sure Dan gets better.

Phil: You rummage through Phil's top drawer, where you kept your clothes whenever you spent the night, looking for you watch. 'Ugh. Where is it?' You say, getting annoyed. You look into the other drawers, thinking you might have put it in there by mistake. Your hand feels a container and you take it out, knowing it must have been misplaced as this was a t-shirt drawer. You bite you lip when you see an unlabeled pill jar, with a few left in it. You take it in your hand, realizing what it was. You knew Phil didn't need medication and if he did, it wouldn't be hidden in a place like this. Phil walks in, wondering had you found what you were looking for and gasps when he sees whats in your hand. You sit down on Phil's bed and pat the seat beside you for Phil to sit down. You both cross and intertwine your legs as you take his hand and he opens up to you. You still can't believe that someone so happy as Phil would be doing this to himself. You stroke his hand as he talks to you. 'Phil, I want you to know that whatever you're feeling, whatever you're thinking, you can always tell me. You don't deserve to go through this pain. You're an amazing person who brightens so many peoples lives and makes them happy, but you need to remember to make yourself happy too.' You say while Phil looks down. 'And I love you, more than anything else.' You add, causing him to look up and hug you. He cries into your shoulder and you rub his back and tell him it's okay all evening.

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