You realize that you're in love with him

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You've been with your boyfriend for a year and a half now. You thought you were happy but lately... you've been thinking differently. The two of you used to talk about getting married and being together forever all the time, but now you can't imagine it anymore. You don't know what to think, and honestly you're scared. You don't want to hurt him.

You usually talk to your boyfriend about everything, but now that it's about him, you have to go elsewhere. The next best thing is your closest friend, someone you know from university- Dan. You moved to London after graduating, hopeful to work in the big city, where you got to know and the fact that he was funny, understanding, and totally sweet. Now you know he'll be a good help in this situation.

As you lounge on the sofa, you decide to give Dan a ring to tell him your situation. You put your phone to your ear as you wait impatiently for him to pick up, but it just keeps ringing. Eventually the answering machine picks up, and you just end the call instead of leaving a message. You wanted to tell Dan what was on your mind yourself instead of a machine. While you wait for Dan to call back, you decide to do the next best thing other than talking to him- watch his YouTube videos.

You go to his channel and watch his latest video, and soon you're forgetting your depression and laughing at him. You play video after video and laugh until your abs hurt, and then at the bottom of the suggestion list a video entitled "sunshine bananas". It was only about thirty seconds, so you picked that one. It was a camera test, and simply showed Dan singing a short song about bananas in the sunshine. And honestly, it was the cutest thing you've ever seen.

Suddenly, you know why your feelings for your boyfriend were fading. You are sad about it, because you do still care for your boyfriend, but it's because of Dan. He knows you so well, you know him, and you love him. Now you had a choice to make. Suddenly your phone starts to vibrate, and your screen says Dan is calling you back. You press the green button and put it to your ear. "Hello?" you say.

"[Y/N]? What's up?" he says.

You take a breath. "Dan, I have something to tell you."


It's your four month mark with Phil. You are currently sitting on the sofa in the lounge while Phil takes a shower, scrolling through tumblr. You just gotten back from a very delicious dinner, and you think you are going to be spending the rest of the night watching a movie or something before you head back to your own apartment.

Apparently that is not Phil's plan. Before you know it, Phil's plopped down next you. You turn to smile at him, but you're surprised to find a camera lense in your face. "Phil!" you gasp, laughing a bit.

"Happy four months, [Y/N]!" he says, smiling at you from behind the camera. You shake your head, but allow him to film you. Honestly, you kind of like being in his vlogs. "So," he continues, "go put your coat on."

"What, why?" you say, quirking an eyebrow.

"Just do it! I want to take you somewhere," he says and gets off the sofa himself.

You put your phone in your pocket. "Alright," you say and stand. The two of you put your coats on and he takes your hand in his free one and leads you out the door.

After a quick walk, you start to recognize where you're going. "Phil, are we just going to the Thames?" you ask.

"Yep," he says, moving the camera to face towards you.

"I've been there before-" you start before he quickly covers your eyes with his hand. "Hey!"

"It's a surprise! You've never seen the Thames around Christmas before!" he says and you promise to keep your eyes closed while holding his arm so you can walk straight.

After what seems like an impossibly long amount of time, Phil tells you stop. You pause and let go of his jacket. "Okay, you can open your eyes." he says.

You open them. And they instantly light up. The Thames is glowing with Christmas lights from the houses across the way, as well as from the street you're standing on. You gasp and turn to Phil, who is standing there smiling behind his camera. "Pretty great, right?" he says.

You smile back and nod, because it is. The night, the river, the guy. It was all great. As you look at him, happily vlogging the situation, you can't help but wonder how you never noticed how much you loved him before.

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