Your birthday *requested Dan and Phil imagine*

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Your birthday is a fun tradition in you, your boyfriend Dan and your best friend Phil's household. It always starts off with a Breakfast Pancakes in bed, playing Mario Kart, them spoiling you with presents and movies. But this time, it's different. The boys are bound to have a meeting at BBC on your birthday. "We'll be back as soon as we can. We promise." Dan kissed your forehead. "We'll be back for the movies. We swear." Phil promised and waved as he headed out the door to get on their uber.

The time is now 10:30pm and you have climbed into bed, given up non waiting for them to come home. You had ordered pizza for everyone at 6:00pm, and waited for 2 hours 'till the pizza went cold. You had lit your favourite candles, only to blow them out by 8:00pm. You were pissed, alright.

They promised. You repeated the word "promise" in your head constantly through the night. By 11pm, you became paranoid and worried that something might have happened to them. But finally, at 11:20pm, you heard jingles of keys and the voice of Phil. "Dan! Be quiet, Y/N is probably asleep." "Or waiting by the door to murder us since we came home so late." You heard the door open and you had to admit, you were relieved. "Oh no. I can smell her favourite candle." Dan sighed. "How is that bad?" Phil asked. "It means that she was waiting for us!" Dan exclaimed and you heard footsteps coming up the stairs to your bedroom. Your bedroom door creaked open and you slightly opened your eyes to see two familiar figures. Dan and Phil.

Then the lights came on and you were blinded.

"Oh sorry Y/N did we wake you up?" "Phil! She's awake because you freaking turned on the lights you spoon!" "Oh shiiiiiii- sorry i'll turn it back off" "NO don't turn it back off! Phil! Just keep your hands off the lights!!"
Them arguing made you smile a little and you tried to keep a straight face when you made eye contact with your boyfriend Dan. "I'm sorry we're so late Y/N." "You could've at least contacted me back." You say, explaining how worried you were, not returning your calls or your messages. "Sorry, this probably doesn't sound realistic but we were stuck at the tube station and Dan lost signal and my phone ran out of charge." Phil shrugs, "As soon as we got out, we rushed home and didn't remember to text you." "Plus," Dan cuts in, "We were buying you flowers to make up for everything." You just noticed Dan holding something behind his back and you smell the faint scent of your favourite flowers. Dan hands you the bouquet of flowers and kisses you on the forehead, rubbing circles on your cheeks, "I missed you, Princess." The bed caves as Phil got on the bed next to you, cuddling up to you with your bedsheets. Dan is next to you as well, your legs intertwining with his. Phil drags your laptop from the bedside table,
You answer with a smile,

"Of course." 

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