His girlfriend is mean to you

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Dan: You had never liked the idea of Dan having a girlfriend. You had liked him for so long and it broke your heart when he told you he had found someone. Dan didn't notice your vacant stares and rolled eyes whenever he mentioned her name, so he decided it would be a good idea for his best friend to meet his girlfriend. He was oblivious to the fact that you didn't want to have to see them together. You didn't want to judge her without meeting her, so you decided to give her a chance. Dan planned for the three of you to go to a bowling alley. The minute you saw the way she slung off Dan, holding his waist and resting her head on his neck, you felt sick. Dan introduced you to her and she glared, holding her perfectly manicured hand out and barely holding a grip, pulling away almost straight away. 'Hello' You said, smiling. You at least wanted to try for Dan. 'Hi..' She purred. She saw your reaction and played with Dan even more, asking him to show her how to bowl, and shrieking in an annoying high pitched voice when she managed to hit two pins down. You always thought someone like you was Dan's type, not her. You couldn't wait for the game to end, and she only got worse. Her house was further away so she got a taxi home and you and Dan walked. 'You don't like her, do you?' Dan asked. You shake your head, 'No Dan, I'm sorry.' He purses his lips and nods, looking slightly disappointed. 'I wanted to see what she was like to you. If she's going to treat my best friend like that then I guess she's not a great girlfriend. I'll break up with her tomorrow morning Y/N.' He says, earnestly. 'Are you sure Dan? If you really like her I'm not going to stop you.' You say, trying to hide your happiness. Dan smiles, 'Of course! Now do you want to get some ice-cream? You're my number one lady again!' He says, smiling and taking your hand.

Phil: When your best friend Phil told you he had a girlfriend you were disappointed, when you found out it was a girl from school who was always mean to you, you were devastated. Your face fell when he told you but you wanted Phil to be happy, he would have wanted the same for you. You just wished he was happy with you, not her. You could never tell him how you really felt now. Phil went to a different school and never saw how she treated you. When he talked about her he lit up, so much so he didn't notice how you stared out the window or around the room, trying to shut his words out so you couldn't hear them; or feel them. He sat you down one evening, telling you only that he wanted to talk to you about her. You prepared yourself for the worst, expecting him to tell you he was madly in love with her. 'So, Y/N, so I've told you about my girlfriend obviously. But I want to apologize. I never realized how she had treated you. I wish you had told me! I rang her and broke up with her the minute I found out. Y/N I'm so sorry I put you through all this!' he says, panicking. 'Oh, Phil. It's alright.' You say, hugging him, smiling now you found out you had a chance with Phil again. 'You really don't have to. If you really like her I'm not going to stop you from going out with her.' You say, not wanting to be selfish. Phil shrugs, moving his upper lip. 'I'm not really bothered with going out with someone who treats my best friend like that.' He says. 'Awh, Phil. I'm glad you'd do that for me.' You say, hugging him while he gives your head a kiss, making you blush.

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