Living in the Past

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The day was almost over, the entire team had just finished celebrating the defeat of the Wither Storm. They were heading back home through the forest for some much needed rest, and stopped to talk with the ex-order of the stone members.

"Hey, how are you guys holding up?" Jesse asked, concerns written on his face. "You haven't really said much since this all ended..."

"We're doing...okay I suppose..." answered Gabriel, not looking too sure of himself. " We, um, don't really have any place to go, our home's were destroyed during the attack."He finished.

"Oh, right...and most of our town is pretty much gone, I'm almost positive it ruined our house too..." Olivia said sadly.
"Wait, did you just house, as in one house, where you all live, together?!?!" Ellegaard asked, confused and surprised.
"Um, yeah...why..?" Jesse asked, not seeing a problem.
"Wow, that's, well...Wow.." Magnus stammered.

"That's not really important right now, we have to figure out a place to stay."Petra stated, still carefree as always.
"Right..." Axel said.

"Wait! I have an idea, we can build a temple like the one you guy had, and we can all just live there. It'll be really convenient for us all!"Olivia said excitedly, thinking up brilliant ideas was a thing of hers.

"That's not a bad idea, but we still need to find Soren" Ellegaard said. "Will you help us, after we finish the temple thingy?"
"Yeah, sure!" Jesse and his friends agreed.

The group travelled to a far and secluded area, and began to gather all the necessary items they would need to build the massive temple. They ran around like crazy the entire day gathering materials and building a platform for the base. Magnus kept tripping over his own legs trying to carry blocks everywhere, which kept everyone laughing and in a good mood. They got most of the work on the temple done before nightfall, but it still wasn't done enough to stay in. They agreed to build a small shack and rest for the night.

"So, Jesse?" Ellegaard asked, getting the attention of everyone, "I'm bored, so how about you tell us how you guys all met?"
"Umm, yeah okay if it's fine with everyone, it's kind of a long story..." Jesse said nervously, he had never been used to being the center of attention unless he was being bullied, so it gave him an unnerving feeling.
"Yeah, it's fine it'll pass the time." Ivor said, also bored with the silence.
"Okay, well Axel and Olivia were friends before we met, so this is only my side of the story. I was eight years old...


A little boy named Jesse and his father, Rick, ride into the new place they will call home, a place called Safe Haven, a place where they wouldn't be hurt anymore. Upon entering the gate they already receive the attention of everyone in the area.
"Daddy, why are they staring at us?" Jesse asked confused and scared.
"They aren't really used to newcomers Jesse, they're probably just curious." His father says reassuringly.
"Oh okay..." Jesse said,"Can I go explore daddy?"
"Absolutely," His father said with a smile on his face," don't get lost okay!"
"Okay!" The boy said eager to explore the new town.

Jesse walked through the streets, looking at everything he could. He was very excited to start making friends when out of no where ran a small and scared piglet ran past him followed by a group of boys with wooden swords.
Jesse followed them into an alleyway where they had cornered the poor thing.
"Prepare to die!" Said one of the freaks.
All of them gathered around the poor little guy until Jesse screamed at the top of his lungs,"LEAVE HIM ALONE!"
All of the boys startled, looking back with glares on their faces.
"What the heck is your problem?!?!" One of the boys yelled at Jesse. All of the boys turned and started walking towards Jesse, " Well!? Can you not speak, do I have to repeat myself!?!?"
"Why don't you pick on someone your own size jerk!" Jesse barked back.
"Oh, you mean like you?" The boy said smiling menacingly.
Jesse froze, 'oh crud' he thought. "Uhh..I..Uhh.." Jesse stammered, unsure of what to say or do.

All of the boys gathered around Jesse, except for the one with blonde hair who wasn't doing anything to the pig. One of the boys got close to Jesse and just when he was about to back up 'BOOM' he was punched right in the eye. He stumbled backwards, and was grabbed by the other two boys who grabbed his arms and held him up so he couldn't fight back. The boy who punched him in the eye was laughing and struck Jesse again in his stomach. The boy kept beating on Jesse until he was sore everywhere and crying.
"Hahaha, you're really pathetic!" The boy laughed.

*sniff* Jesse cried and he was punched in the stomach another time. The pain was ceaseless, every stroke if the fist was another boat of pain added to his sore body. The boy stopped suddenly with a wicked grin on his face.

"STOP PLEASE STOP IT HURTS PLEASE!" Jesse cried sobbing while his attackers laughed and
continued the ruthless assault.

"HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!?!" A giant boy with black hair and a green patched up sweater on shouted.

"Oh crap!" One of the boys said looking scared. All of the boys started to run away, looking like they saw a demon.
Jesse,without any support, fell to the floor in a heap of tears and sobs, broken and bruised.
"Hey are you okay?" Said a little girl who came out from hiding behind the taller boy. She was a little dark skinned with black curly hair in pigtails, she was wearing a tan dress with no shoes. She ran over to Jesse and tried to help him up. All Jesse could do was whimper in response, and with that he past out.

Jesse woke up in a big room in bed. He was still sore in some areas, but fine otherwise. He tried to sit up , but found himself seeing white spots as he fell back down.

"Hey, you shouldn't move when you are hurt like that! You could hurt yourself more." The little girl from earlier said as she came into sight. "Where am I?" Jesse groaned, feeling all of his sore muscles.
"You're in our treehouse." Said the big intimidating boy from earlier,"are you okay?" Jesse got a little scared at the sight of him, but then relaxed remembering that he was nice to him.
"Yeah, I think I'm okay." Jesse said coughing.
"Oh, my name's Olivia by the way," The girl, Olivia, said," and this is Axel." Pointing to the boy who waved with a smile.
"I'm Jesse, I just moved here." He said, not to used to them but warming up. Axel walked over and gave Jesse a potion at healing which he gratefully drank.
"You guys got the pig!" Jesse shouted happily, sitting up.
"Yeah, we figured you'd want him after going through all that to help him." Axel said with a friendly smile.
"Thanks! I'm gonna call you...hmm...Reuben!" He said as the piggy squealed happily.
"So, um do you wanna hangout?" Olivia asked nervously.
"Yeah, sure"...


"...and that's how we all met." Jesse finished looking at the wide eyed stares he was receiving from Ellegaard, Magnus, Gabriel, and even Ivor.

" were bullied?" Ellegaard asked reluctantly.

"Yeah, we all were. What going on right now with being wanted by people is kind of new to us." Jesse said as his friends nodded in agreement.

All of them stared at Jesse with pity written all over their faces, well everyone except for Magnus who just sat there eating a steak.

"You didn't tell us about how you met her though." Magnus said pointing at Petra.

"Oh, well I ran into her by accident while I was looking for Olivia one day. She yelled at me and said if I wanted to live I should apologize quickly or suffer a painful death." Jesse said with a smile," and that's how we became best friends." He finished, laughing, Petra joining in on the laugh.

"Well it's late and we have a lot of work to do in the morning, we should get some rest." Olivia said, making sure that everyone obeyed under her stare.

"Well goodnight then." Jesse said, lying down. He kept thinking about what had happened back then until finally dozing off.

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