Not Yet

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The whole order was gathered in the living room to discuss what happened. Ivor was still embarrassed by what happened before, but he was trying hard to focus on what happened afterwards. Which was hard when Magnus kept poking him in the back and giggling.

"Magnus, knock it off..." Ivor said quietly, he didn't want the others to start up to.
"Knock what off, princess." Magnus teased. Ivor looked at the ground blushing angrily.
"Magnus stop. We need to focus on the problem at hand." Jesse said rolling his eyes.

They brought Aiden upstairs, tying him to a chair. Petra looked absolutely pissed. They were about to start the questions, but then in walked Lukas.
"Lukas? What are you-" Jesse was cut off when Lukas punched him straight in the eye. Everyone was shocked, especially the old order, who thought they were friends.
"Lukas what they hell!" Petra shouted angrily.
"Screw off Petra! Give me Aiden." Lukas yelled angrily.
"No! He tried to kidnap Ivor!" Olivia said angrily.
Lukas walked over to Aiden and began to untie him anyway. Jesse tried to stop him, but Lukas pinned him down and repeatedly punched him in the face. Axel ran over, picked up Lukas swiftly, and smashed him to the floor. Lukas was instantly unconscious.

"What just happened?" Gabriel asked, looking very confused.
"Lukas is a bully and always will be, is what just happened." Axel said, glaring at the limp body on the floor.
"I thought all of you were friends?" Soren said, also confused.
"We will never be friends with him!" Axel said, looking about ready to blow up.
"...guys calm down..." Jesse said weakly as he tried to stand up.
"No." Axel said blankly.
"..." And then Jesse past out.
"Well crap." Olivia said nonchalantly.
"You seem too calm about what just happened..." Ivor pointed out suspiciously.
"It happens a lot." Olivia said shrugging.

Axel picked Jesse up and placed his limp body on the couch gently. All eyes were focused on Aiden, who was staring at Lukas with wide eyes. He looked terrified, and then he spoke.
"Iron Golem..." It was nearly audible, but Axel had heard it.
"What did you just say?" Axel growled, his true anger lacing his voice.
"You really are a monster! You are the Iron Golem, the one who killed those people! You're a-" Aiden was cut off by Axel who had punched him in the face so hard it broke the chair.

All eyes were now on Axel, who wasn't turning around.
"Is that true?" Ellegaard asked warily.
"I didn't kill anyone..." Was all Axel said before walking out of the temple.
Now all eyes were directed towards Olivia, who still wasn't even worrying about anything.
"Olivia, he killed people?" Magnus asked shocked.
"No. Its just a stupid rumor that the people in this town made up because they were scared." Olivia said, looking sad. Jesse slowly woke up, as did Lukas and Aiden.

"Okay, Lukas, explain please." Olivia said still very calm.
"Gill told me you guys were beating up Aiden for no reason, and I came in and saw him tied up and bruised, so I figured it was true." Lukas explain, still angry.
"Well, you assumed wrong dude." Jesse said holding his bruised face.
"What?" Lukas said confused.
"Your friends tried to kidnap Ivor, so we caught the one holding him and tried to get answers." Soren explained sternly, he was a bit angry too.

At that moment Aiden broke out broke out of his bonds. He snatched Gabriel's sword, and before anyone could stop him, he stabbed right through Jesse's stomach.

Everyone was frozen, and Aiden saw another chance and took it. He pulled the sword out as everyone ran towards him, but it was too late. He swung the sword across Jesse's chest, leaving a giant gash. All that could be heard was Jesse's piercing scream.

Everything happened so fast, Axel had ran into the temple and beat Aiden unconscious. Jesse was on the floor bleeding out fast. Olivia was trying to stop the flow as she sobbed. Petra was grabbing supplies to heal Jesse while she also cried silently. Soren had placed Jesse on the couch, also trying to stop the blood. Everyone was trying to help fix Jesse. Jesse was crying, everything was going in slow motion for him. He coughed up blood, he couldn't breathe.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Olivia shouted through her sobs, silencing everyone as they froze. They all looked down at Jesse who was trying so hard to hold on.
"Jesse, you'll be okay, you're gonna be fine." Olivia said through her sobs.

Rick sat down beside his son, looking into his eyes as he cried. So much lost time from his son, and he didn't know if he would ever be able to see him again. So he hugged him, knowing the truth of the situation. Jesse might not live. Ivor was in the back trying to fix up a fast healing potion, but it would take too long.
"Jesse, I love you so much." Rick cried, Jesse was turning a pasty pale color from all of the blood loss.
"" Jesse sputtered through the blood, he looked over at everyone else, "...good...bye...." Jesse gave a smile, and then his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he took his last breathe.

Everyone cried, long and hard. Rick's sobs were the loudest of all. Olivia had broken down in the corner, not making a sound, just staring emptily at the floor. Axel was crying beside Jesse's lifeless body. Ivor had finished the potion, but everyone thought it was pointless. Ivor had none of it, he walked beside Jesse's body and threw down the potion, hoping it would work. It didn't.

Olivia got up and walked over to Jesse's body and hugged him. She began to sob loudly saying the words, "not yet not yet not yet."

(Authors note: I AM SO SORRY! Keep reading, this isn't the end! I am so sorry! I will make it right!)

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