Back to the Farlands

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Ivor waited until midnight, when everyone was asleep. He packed all of his stuff up and snuck out of the door. He went to a local farm and bought a horse, he bought a supply of food for the trip. He didn't bother to leave a note, he knew nobody would care. He took one look back towards the temple, and then started towards his laboratory in the Farlands.

Ivor was almost a third of the way there when the sun came up. He had traveled fast, trying to get away and not be stopped. He kept thinking of everything that happened that night, replaying it over and over in his head. It was just like when they were kids, Magnus and Gabriel hurting him while Ellegaard laughed along. But this time, Soren wasn't there to stop it.
'Like a good dog!' The voice in his head said.
Ivor shook his head in annoyance, he thought the voice had finally gone away.
'Guess not .' He thought.

Soon the sun was setting again, he wondered if they had found out he left.

*At the Temple*

"What do you mean gone?" Jesse asked angrily.
"We looked everywhere for him. He's just gone!" Ellegaard said.
"Why would he just leave?" Soren asked, he came to live in town with Chastity and Malachi.
"Um...well...we kinda beat on him a little..." Magnus admitted, rubbing the back of his head.
"You what?!" Soren said getting angry.
"Calm down! We were messing with him, and I dared Gabriel to spank him. It was frickin hilarious dude." Magnus said smiling.
"You're all assholes." Axel said, voice completely void of emotion.
"Hey! The hell dude, I thought you were cool!" Magnus said to Axel.
"Bullying people isn't cool." Axel said walking away.
Magnus looked at the ground slowly. He thought Axel would think it was funny too, but it was the exact opposite.
"We have to go find him!" Petra shouted over the noise.
"Yes, we do." Soren said getting ready.
"Where do we find him?" Olivia asked.
Everyone looked at each other, the Farlands.

*Back to Ivor*

Ivor was tired from traveling for so long and it looked like he was going to pass out, but he looked up and saw the glitch wall. Letting out a sigh of relief, Ivor trekked through the maze and to his lab. When he finally reached his lab he was asleep on the horse, which bucked to wake him up. Ivor was glad no one was around to see him flop face first on the cobblestone.
'Graceful as always." Ivor thought sarcastically.

Ivor entered his lab to find it dirtier than last time. It wasn't uncommon, after all he was gone for a long time. He set down his things and got started on cleaning. Soren had always pestered him about organization, and it kind of stuck. He took everything off the shelves and began putting it where it went, slowly but surely he got the job done. Ivor looked around at his work, it was perfect. It angered him, it was an eye soar for him. So he set it all on fire. He sat in the corner watching, eventually he passed out.

Fortunately for him Jesse had placed a portal in his lab that led to town. They were there in an instant. Jesse honestly just didn't want to have to walk if they should ever go back. Soren dragged Ivor through the portal, where he was met with Jesse who put him on a bed. Magnus and Gabriel looked at each other nervously.
"Ivor! Ivor wake up!" Soren yelled, shaking him roughly.
Ivor woke in a coughing fit, he was coughing so hard that he couldn't inhale. He was shaking uncontrollably when it was over. Soren gave him a glass of water and the questions began.

"Why did you leave?" Soren asked very upset.
Ivor didn't answer, he didn't want to. After all, what they didn't was embarrassing.
"Ivor, you didn't even leave a note! What if something bad had happened to you?! We wouldn't have known!" Soren shouted angrily.
"Why would you even care?! All of you hate me so what's the damn point Soren?! Stop faking worry and leave me the hell alone!" Ivor screamed, silencing everyone.
The look on Soren's face was one of total distress. He didn't know what to say, Ivor thought he was faking. Soren's sadness quickly melded into anger as he grabbed Ivor by the ear and held him in place.
"LET GO OF ME!" Ivor screeched.
"All of you out, now!" Soren ordered angrily. Everyone reluctantly left the room. Ivor was kicking at Soren, trying to get away.
"Now you listen to me right now!" Soren scolded. Ivor shut up immediately, Soren screamed him, but only a little bit.
"I took you into my home with open arms when we were children, I cared for you. You were like a brother to me Ivor. To hear you say that you think I don't care, it really hurts Ivor." Soren said sadly, letting go of Ivor.
"I never hated you, if you'll excuse me I have to go punish the two idiots." Soren said leaving the room.
"You don't hate me?" Ivor asked aloud.
"Never have, never will." With that Soren shut the door.
Ivor though about the situation for awhile, not really sure how to deal with it. Suddenly Mika was in the doorway.
"Ivor... I don't hate you..." He said crying.
"Oh Mika, I don't hate you either." Ivor said sadly. Mika ran and jumped into his arms sobbing.
"Sh, its alright, its okay." Ivor soothed him. He sat down with Mika on his lap, rubbing his back to calm him. Mika's sobs were soon reduced to hiccups as he fell asleep on Ivor's lap. Soon after, Ivor fell asleep holding him protectively against his chest. That night, for the first time in a long time, Ivor didn't have any nightmares. He dreamt of happiness.

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