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The pain was the only thing Jesse could feel anymore. He didn't know how long he had been chained up, his throat was sore from screaming so much. The knife dug into his skin once again, Jesse was too exhausted to procure scream and let out a small whimper.
"Oh, what's the matter pet? I didn't hurt you did I?" Herobrine said sarcastically as he dug the blade into Jesses leg.
"Shut...up...freaking..creep.." Jesse rasped out, panting after every word.
Herobrine looked at him in anger, throwing down the sword and storming over to the tools. Jesse shook, vision blurry as he shifted in and out of consciousness, he knew that the torture wouldn't stop unless he gave in but he wouldn't let himself say those pathetic words again. The sadist finally picked up a handsaw and walked back over.
"It would to hurt you to lose a few limbs, let's start with your foot shall we?" He laughed maniacally.
"Screw off." Jesse said weakly.
"Let's begin." Herobrine said with a smile.

*The Order of the Journey*

"When will we get there?" Axel asked Petra.
"Soon." Petra said, getting annoyed.
"My butt hurts." Olivia muttered.
The Order was currently on horseback riding back to a different part of the Farlands. They had been traveling for three days straight, everyone making complaints. Petra had decided that it would be useful to have Lukas accompany them on the journey. Lukas was on the back of Soren's horse sleeping, the group had barely gotten any sleep so the slept when they could. Ivor was being shunned by the group and road on a mule at the back of the group. He felt terrible for letting this all happen, if he would have returned to the Farlands like he was told this wouldn't have happened. He planned on giving himself up to Herobrine to spare Jesses life, but he was scared of the punishment he would receive. Petra was in front, leading the group to what she said was a temple for Herobrine. The chances of actually finding him were slim, but it was the only hope that they had.

Olivia sat on the back of Ellie's horse with depression written in her eyes. Ellie was trying to comfort her but Olivia wouldn't listen to her, and blocked out her completely. Axel watched Olivia carefully from his own horse, remembering how suicidal she was the last time Jesse was gone. Magnus sat on his own horse watching Ivor with a glare, he blamed all of this on Ivor.

'Maybe it would have been better if Ivor had died in that river this wouldn't have happened', Magnus thought angrily.
Ivor saw the glare he was getting and hung his head further down, he didn't want to look Magnus in the eyes. He knew what he would have to do when they got to Herobrine, it was the only way, he just hoped they would get there before it was too late.
"Are we there yet?" Gabriel said, getting impatient.
"No! We'll be there when we get there!" Petra shouted angrily.
"Calm down soul sucker." Magnus grumbled.
"It's getting dark, should we should make shelter for the night?" Lukas said, he woke up after petra screamed.
"Yeah, let's stop for now. Don't want to be exhausted when we get there, we will have to put up a good fight." Petra sighed, stopping.

Everyone got off their horses and set to gathering building materials. Ivor stood silently in one spot, unsure if they wanted his help or not. That was until Magnus saw him and stormed over. Magnus didn't say a word, only grabbed the front of his robe and dragged him further into the forest.
"Magnus what are you doing?!" Ivor said stumbling from the unbalance.
"Shut it." Magnus growled through his teeth.
Ivor decided to listen to the cold order. Magnus stopped by a waterfall and threw Ivor into it by his shirt. Ivor flailed in the water, coughing and choking, and then managed to drag himself out of the water. Magnus stood in front of Ivor, who was lying on the grass coughing, and kicked him back in. Ivor's head popped up only for a second before Magnus shoved his head back under with his foot. Magnus head his head underwater, watching him flail around, only letting him up for quick breaths. Magnus looked about ready to kill Ivor when Soren came running.
"Magnus!" Soren yelled surprised. " Stop it!"
"Why?!" Magnus yelled with rage. "He did all of this! It's his fault Jesse was taken! Everything bad that happened was because of him!"
Magnus still had Ivor underwater, and let him up again before dunking him back down.
"Magnus stop! It's not his fault! You're better than this!" Soren yelled, walking forward angrily.
"It is his fault! And don't lie to yourself by saying I'm better than how I act, I know I'm not and so do you!" Magnus raged on.
"Please Magnus! That's torture!" Soren pleaded, getting close enough to place a hand on his shoulder.
Magnus got a sad look on his face before he hung his head with a sigh, taking his foot off of Ivors head. Ivor popped up from the water hacking and coughing up water, dragging himself onto the land only half way. He was crying and heaving in breaths, Magnus had almost killed him.
"Ivor are you alright?" Soren said bending down and placing a hand on his shoulder.
All Ivor could manage was a small nod as he tried to get up, his arms and legs were too weak to hold him and he fell back to the ground. Magnus glared down at his body and then stormed away. Soren helped Ivor to his feet and walked him back to the group. When they arrived they received stares from all around, but nobody said anything and Ivor stayed in the corner of the hut.

*Herobrines Castle*

Jesse was unconscious on the floor while Herobrine cleaned off his tools while whistling the tune 'Discord'. He stared down at Jesses blood covered body with a smile. He had sawed off both of Jesses feet while Jesse screamed and cried. Soon after, he ended up passing out in a pile of sobs. Herobrine laughed at the sight, it was just as fun as when he tortured Ivor. He couldn't wait for Ivor to return to him, and Ivor would return to him, one way or another. Herobrine got up from his seat on a work bench and walked over to Jesses unconscious body, giving it a few small kicks. He picked Jesse up by the back of his shirt, earning a few whimpers, and dragged him back to the cells.
"Oh wow, you really did a number on princess." May joked.
"Yes, it was quite fun." Herobrine said with a grin.
"You chopped his feet off?" May asked, grinning.
"Oh I'll put them back later." Herobrine smirked.
"Is it my turn now?" May asked casually.
"Yes, now come along." Herobrine said, closing Jesses door and going to hers.
"Let's get this party started." May said with a laugh.

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