A Mothers Instincts

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A few days later Olivia was finished with her job and was traveling back home. Upon arrival, she was met with Jesse who ran up to hug her. On the walk home they were mostly quiet, staring around at the scenery. When they got to the temple, Jesse, of course, held the door open for her. Jesse was always an old-fashioned person.

Olivia was met with the cutest little boy. Olivia stopped in her tracks, staring at the boy. The little boy looked at her wearily. Axel walked over.
"Olivia this is Mika, Mika this is Olivia." Axel introduced them. "He is staying with us for awhile."
Olivia smiled at him, which made him giggle. He ran over to her and motion for her to pick him up, which she did. Olivia placed him in a hip hold position. After saying hello to everyone, she carried Mika to her working station.
"Wanna help me build?" Olivia asked Mika.
Mika gave an enthusiastic nod of the head. They joked around and built random things just for the heck of it. Everyone stared in awe as Olivia talked in says he could understand, and made the building a fun game. Her instincts took over quick. She was holding Mika like he was hers, and it looked that way too.

"You have real mothering skills." Ellegaard said suddenly.
"Um, yeah I guess. I just like kids." Olivia said nervously.
Mika had walked away while Olivia wasn't looking.
"I mean, you are really good with him." They didn't notice this absence though.
"I guess..." Olivia trailed off.
Olivia turned around to talk to Mika, but he was nowhere in sight.
"Mika! Mika where are you?" Olivia called for him.
"Up here!" Mika called back.
Everyone turned towards the voice, Mika was on top of the bookshelf. The bookshelf that was as tall as the ceiling.
"OH MY NOTCH!" Olivia screamed, running towards him.
And just like that, he fell. He was screaming, who wouldn't be. Olivia was running across the long room, and just when he got close to the floor, Olivia launched herself towards him. Olivia caught him safely, but everyone was staring in awe.

Olivia was mothering the boy, looking for any injuries, and making sure he knew not to do it again. The care that she showed, was one of a true mother. Mika was shaking and crying as Olivia held him, trying to sooth him. She picked him up and took him over to the couch where he fell asleep.

"Olivia...you're amazing." Ellegaard said in awe.
"Huh...oh thanks." Olivia said still distracted with the child.
"Haha, mother hen!" Magnus said laughing.
"Shut it Magnus, you were the same way." Gabriel said rolling his eyes.
Magnus turned a dark red.
"N-no I wasn't!" Magnus said nervously.
Everyone busted out in laughter, until they were shh'd at by Olivia, who pointed at the sleeping boy.

Later that day Mika was awake, and Olivia had to leave again. Ivor saw the boy, who looked very sad. He walked over to him.
"What's wrong?" Ivor asked him.
The boy looked at the ground, and that's when Ivor saw the tears.
"Hey, buddy, what's the matter?" Ivor asked concerned.
"...I want to stay...I want to have a family...but I'm an orphan...and nobody wants an orphan.." Mika cried, breaking out in sobs.
Ivor picked him up in a hug, not wanting to let the little guy cry any longer. Ivor picked him up, in front of everyone, and sat down on the couch.
"Hey, its okay!" Ivor tried to reassure him.
"No its not! Everyone always goes away!" Mika cried, his little body shaking wildly.
"You know, I'm an orphan too." Ivor said, an idea coming to the surface.
"What, you're an orphan?" Mika said sniffing.
"Yeah, I'm an orphan. Being an orphan isn't that bad." Ivor said. "You meet a lot of cool people sometimes." He glanced at his old friends.
"Well, I guess so.." Mika thought about it.
"Olivia seems to like you a lot. I like you quite a lot too." Ivor said, giving a small smile.
"Yeah, I like you and her a lot too." Mika said smiling, wiping the tears off his face.
Ivor picked him back up.
"What do you want to do?" Ivor said smiling at him.
"Story!" Mika said, his face brightening.
"Alright, if you insist." Ivor laughed.
Ivor began another book, doing all of the movements to make the story exciting. Everyone watched the scene, Mika happily listening while Ivor read the silly book. When the book was finished Mika fell asleep, Ivor placed him in Olivia's room to sleep. When he came back to the living room, a game of truth or dare was going on between his old friends, Axel, Jesse, petra were out for the rest of the day.
"Alright Gabriel, truth or dare?" Magnus asked Gabriel.
"Dare." Gabriel said smiling.
Magnus took one look at Ivor and got a mischievous grin.
"I dare you to baby Ivor." He said laughing.
"Alright." Gabriel also laughed.
Ivor started running away, but it was too late. Gabriel had his belt and dragged him to the couch.
"You're all jerks." Ivor said giving up.
Gabriel sat Ivor down beside him, holding him down. Magnus was laughing hysterically as Gabriel held Ivor in a death grip, trying to rock him. Ivor was flailing and kicking at Gabriel, which was understandable.
"Let go! Knock it off!" Ivor yelled, still flailing while his face turned a dark red. Soon the joke was over and Gabe put him down.
"Ivor, you know we were just joking around right?" Gabriel said carefully.
"You're all jerks. I hate all of you." Ivor said flatly, face still a bit pink.
Gabriel looked at Ivor.
"I could do it all again, you're too weak to stop me." He said grinning at Ivor.
Ivor started to get nervous, Gabriel was completely right. Ivor stayed silent all the way back to his room. When they arrived, Ivor started making plans to head back to the Farlands.

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