The coward and the Secret

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The sun rose for the next day and every one woke up except for Magnus who refused to budge. Ellegaard went and got a bucket of water an threw it on him, to which he woke up screaming like a girl. They finished up the temple which looked absolutely amazing. It was made out of emerald, iron, and many Redstone features for necessary lights and automatic doors.

"Freaking finally!" Olivia huffed out, falling to the floor in exhaustion. Axel surprisingly wasn't tired at all much to the others confusion.
"Why aren't you tired dude?" Magnus huffed.
"Well, I used to work on a farm and build houses for the homeless, so this is basically a Sunday for me." Axel said shrugging his shoulders.
"Wait, build houses for the homeless?" Ellegaard asked, she had always thought that due to his appearance that Axel was just a big griefer.
"Yeah...I don't see why you're so shocked." Axel said still not caring in the least.
"Oh, it's just that, um...never mind..." Ellegaard said, not wanting to get too much into it.
"Since we're done we should probably go try to find Soren the coward." Olivia said, she was still pretty angry because he ditched during the storm.
"Hey, watch it egghead, he's still my friend!" Magnus said also getting angry.
"Both of you shut up." Jesse said with a smile, he didn't like fighting people in the group and he didn't want the there to be any problems with them.
"Alright fine!" Olivia said laughing getting up to get some food.
"She listens to you that easily?" Ellegaard asked, even most of the people there were confused
"Um, I guess, I just know my friends..." Jesse said still not used to being the center of attention.
" Oh...Okay then..." Ellegaard said.
"Well this is getting us nowhere," Petra said still calm but bored, " we should probably get moving to find Soren." She said getting up, and everyone followed suit. They were then joined by Olivia who was a little pale.

They began to walking to the horses, Petra and Jesse were talking all the dealings people have been asking her to do lately because of how much got destroyed. They got to the horses and, with supplies packed, set out to find Soren. They travelled far and wide, hoping to find Soren before he was gone forever.

"This sucks." Jesse said, butt sore from riding so long.
Everyone was a little angry from all the riding, but still not Axel.
" Okay, how the hell are you not pissed Axel!" Magnus said, bringing attention to him and Axel both.
" I'm a patient person...why are all of you so angry, babies." Axel said shrugging , not really caring about the angry stares he was receiving.

They rode all the way to Soren's ruined fortress. They went through the entire place finding nothing useful. Then it brought them all to the End portal.
"I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier..." Jesse said still tired from the trip there.
"Was he actually staying here the entire time?" Ellegaard asked reluctantly. "Yeah, he thought he was training endermen to build." Petra said remembering how weird it was there.
"Well let's go and see if the loony is there now." Olivia said wanting to over with it.
"Well okay then." Jesse said jumping in immediately afterwards.

Everyone entered the End intent on finding Soren. They were met with hundreds of endermen looking straight at them. They all looked down as Jesse led them to Soren's weird home. They entered and we're shocked to see the wool world, well, everyone except Jesse and his friends.

"Um, I think Soren is a little off his rocker..." Magnus said pointing to the weird structures built inside.
"Yeah..." Gabriel said surprised with how Soren had been living.
"Whatever, let's just find him already." Olivia said still annoyed for some reason.
Jesse looked over at his friend with concern heavy in his eyes. " Hey Olivia are you alright?" He asked wondering what was going on with her.
Olivia breathed out her answer, "Yeah, I guess..."
Jesse wasn't going to leave it like that, "Olivia tell me what's wrong." He said, grabbing onto her arm so she couldn't walk away.
"Its nothing Jesse..." Olivia said trying to pull away.
By now everyone in the group was watching the exchange.
"Its not nothing, tell me what's wrong." Jesse said still concerned.
"Jesse nothing's wrong, okay, I just want to find Soren so we can go home..." Olivia said looking down, still trying to get away.
"Olivia, don't lie to me. I know something's wrong, and that's not what it is, just tell me." Jesse said too stubborn to let it go.
"I'm not lying, nothing's wrong!" Olivia shouted, wanting to get away and calm down.
Petra could see the tears building in Olivia's eyes, so she stepped in.
"Jesse! Let her go right now!" Petra said, getting protective.
"What? I need to know what's going on so I can help her!" Jesse said also being protective.
Petra walked over to him and pried Olivia out of his grip, who immediately ran away .

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