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Ivor was in his laboratory in the temple, working as always. He was always there, no matter what. With everyday the bags under his eyes would darken. It was true, he couldn't sleep because of stupid nightmares. Ivor mainly stayed awake at all times, which of course exhausts him. The last time Ivor had actually slept without waking from a nightmare, is when everyone travelled to the Farlands for the first time. He fell asleep on Soren's back, it was the first rest he had gotten in a long time.

Ivor was in the middle of working when his eyes begged for sleep. He tried not to close his eyes, but the overwhelming desire for sleep made him pass out on the floor.


'Running, running, running. Why was I running? I turn around and see him, Magnus is there. He's running after me.

He has TNT in his hand. He looks angry. I hit something hard and fall. I'm too dizzy, everything was spinning. Magnus stood over me, he puts the TNT on me. I try to stop him, he ties me up. I kick wildly. Blowing up, pain, pain, pain, pain. Blood, blood, why so much blood. Magnus is there again, smiling. He stabs me and starts cutting into my skin, laughing'

Ivor bolted up sweating. He sat on the floor shaking uncontrollably. He looked around slowly, trying to make sure nobody saw. Nobody was around, Ivor sighed in relief.
"Thank Notch."

What Ivor didn't know was that Soren had seen everything. Ivor had been screaming so loud it was a wonder how nobody else heard. Soren went down and saw Ivor in a ball crying in his sleep. Before he could go wake him up, Ivor shot up. Soren ran back upstair, not wanting to see an angry Ivor.

*later that day*

Ivor was reading a book in the kitchen while Soren stared at him.
"Is there something you want Soren?" Ivor said, not looking away from his book.
"Do you still have nightmares?" Soren blurted out.
Ivor turned and looked at Soren with a blank stare.
"No." Ivor said without any emotion.
"Yes you do...I saw you in your room..." Soren admitted guiltily.
"You spied on me!" Ivor yelled angrily, earning some stares.
"Ivor, if you need me to..." Soren said in a quiet, suggestive tone.
"Leave me alone." Ivor said, getting up and walking away.
"Okay..." Soren said sadly.

Ivor walked to his room and locked the door. He laid down in bed and tried to read his book, but yet again sleep called to him. He tried to push it off and keep his eyes open, but in the end sleep won.


'Ivor is hanging from the ceiling, chains holding him up off the ground. A man with white eyes is standing there with a whip.
"Please no!" His mouth says without permission.
"Hahahah!" The man brings the whip down with a loud crack.
Ivor is screaming, the pain is unbearable. Over and over again the whip rains down. Blood is gushing out of every cut. The man is laughing, the chains drop him.
The man walks over casually, standing in front of Ivor. He swiftly swings his foot forward, connecting with Ivor's stomach. Ivor curls up in a ball, chains launch out of the wall. Pulling his limbs apart, spread eagle. The white eyed man jabs his foot into Ivor's stomach over and over again. The pain is unbearable, Ivor starts vomiting blood. The whip comes back, over and over again. He can't escape, no escape. The white eyed man let's out a deep raspy shout,
"You will die!" '

Ivor screamed as he woke, the nightmare had been so gory. He was shaking hard, panting, and sweating. He tried to catch him breath, he looked down at himself, Absolutely covered in vomit.
"Oh great." Ivor groaned sarcastically.
Ivor froze, he knew it was Soren.
"Ivor are you alright?" Soren said, walking over to him.
"G-get out!" Ivor yelled at him, blushing madly.
"Oh Ivor, it was that bad?" Soren asked sadly, looking at the vomit.
"..." Ivor said nothing. He looked down, embarrassment clear in his face.
Soren placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort. Ivor started shaking.
"Don't tell anyone..." Ivor said sadly.
"I wouldn't dream of it." Soren said, helping Ivor up and into his bathroom.
Ivor washed himself off quickly and went back out, only to see Soren cleaning off his bed.
" don't have to do that, I'll get it." Ivor said walking over.
"Nonsense." Soren shook him off.

Soren finished cleaning the bed and it looked like he was going to leave. Ivor laid back down on his bed, but then a weight added on. He looked over at Soren who was sitting next to him. Ivor sat up slowly, staring at Soren.
"Um...what are you doing?" Ivor asked awkwardly.
Soren put his arm around Ivors shoulder, pulling him close.
"Go to sleep." It was less of a suggestion, and more of an order.
"Now." Soren cut him off.
Ivor awkwardly leaned on soren, and soon he fell asleep. Soren stared at Ivors sleeping face. He looked calm. And then Magnus walked in.
"Hey I heard screaming, whats-" Magnus stopped, staring at them.
"Shh!" Soren shushed him.
Magnus was grinning like an idiot.
"Looks like princess did need you after all." Magnus whispered, laughing.
"Magnus, I swear on all that's good in this world I will end you if you say another word!" Soren whisper-growled.
Magnus shut his mouth with a snap, nodding rapidly before running out. Soren looked back down at Ivor, and soon fell he asleep too.

When they woke up, Ivor didn't have bags under his eyes anymore. Ivor felt amazing, he looked over at Soren, who was getting ready to go out. He felt like he had to say something to him.
"Uh...soren?" Ivor said quietly.
"Yes?" Soren looked at him.
"...thanks..." Ivor said quietly.

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