How it was Before

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Jesse woke up that morning in a room he knew wasn't his. He was confused and was about to sit up.
"Good morning." Was all Jesse had to hear to remember.
At that moment all the pain from yesterday came rushing back. Jesse covered his eyes with his arm, heat filling his face.
"Good morning Ivor." Jesse said sullenly.

Ivor stopped feeling guilty about what he had done last night. Jesse deserved it. Ivor got up from his seat, the one he beat Jesse on, and walked over.
"So, how did you sleep?" Ivor asked chuckling.
Jesse groaned, making Ivor laugh harder.
"You shouldn't have made fun of me!" Ivor said.
"I said I was sorry!" Jesse whimpered, sitting up.
Ivor was starting to get a bit mad.
"Like sorry actually fixes anything!" Ivor shouted.
Jesse flinched back, hitting the wall. Ivor decided to leave it at that.
"Get out." He said going back to his book.
Jesse ran out of the room, and back to his own.

Olivia, who was the only other person awake, saw Jesse run to his room with a bright red face. She didn't really care what happened, but it just caught her eye. She went back to work, she was building a Redstone engine. It was huge, a real price of art in her opinion. With Jesse alive again the urge to hurt herself dissipated. She was smiling again, she felt happy. Soren had left the other day, she heard. She was happy for him, he found a woman to call his. Soon the others woke up too.

Everyone was staring at Olivia, who was humming an amazing tune. She looked better compared to before. Her skin wasn't pale anymore and she was just happier in general. And just like that Olivia said she was leaving for a few days to deliver her machine, and she was off.

Everyone was there when she left, waving her off. Jesse ran up and gave her a hug, lifting her off the ground much to everyone's amusement. Axel did the same, patting her head after. After she was gone they all went to the living room to talk.

"That was a fast mood change." Ivor said.
"Indeed..." Gabriel replied.
"She can't control her emotions anymore, so its actually normal." Jesse explained. Everyone turned to him with shocked expressions.
"Okay, I get it, you're all confused. Listen, Olivia...used to be a mother..." Jesse said sadly.
Another round of shocked looks from everyone, except Petra and Axel.
"She got pregnant when we were 14." Jesse said.
Everyone looked surprised, especially Ellegaard.
"When he was born, everyone got really attached to him. His name was Declan. He was an amazing kid. The father was a great friend too. They didn't mean to have Declan, but Olivia was against abortions so they had him. They were going to give him up for adoption, but they couldn't part with him. We raised the kid in a treehouse. When he was one and a half, there was a fire and the father and Declan didn't make it. Olivia was completely broken over it, we were too. She was depressed and tried killing herself everyday and night. Me and Axel had to take shifts watching her everyday. She only got better a year ago." Jesse finished sadly.

Nobody knew what to say. Olivia had a child who was killed, and she was suicidal. The information made Ellegaard start to cry, Magnus noticed and tried to comfort her. She cried on his shoulder, everyone too busy thinking to notice. They never knew someone like her could be taken down like that.

Jesse, who was standing, went to the kitchen to make dinner. Everyone tried to push off the air of sadness that had engulfed them. They ate their dinner and went about their normal tasks. Axel went out to the orphanage again.

Jesse was trying to make a healing potion for one of the orphans, Axel had asked if the boy could stay with them until he was better. Of course Jesse had said yes. Axel would be bringing him here soon and he had to make all the necessary preparations.

"Guys Axel is bringing an orphan to stay here, he's ill and I have to be able to heal him." Jesse told them quickly, not caring what they have to say about the matter.
"A little kiddie running around everywhere, fantastic." Magnus said dryly.
"It won't be that bad." Ivor said. He didn't mind kids.

Since Ivor had joined the group, they had noticed his strange sleeping habits. His dark bags were even darker. His movements were a bit sluggish too. He looked like he hadn't slept in years. Of course nobody said anything about it. And then along came Magnus.

"Ivor, you look like crap." Magnus said with a mischievous grin.
"And so do you, but I think you already knew that." Ivor shot back.
"No seriously dude, you look like you haven't slept in forever." Magnus said still grinning. "Ooh, I get it. You can't sleep without your master!"
Ivor froze immediately. Magnus continued.
"Did you think I didn't know! You were always Soren's dog! You always did what he told you, no matter what!" Magnus teased, Ivor couldn't move. He was absolutely frozen.
"What are you talking about?" Jesse asked, looking around at the old order, who were smiling.
"Ivor was Soren's pet." Ellegaard laughed out.
"Yeah, he was always by his side! Always doing what ever Soren told him!" Gabriel laughed out.
"I even heard himself say he was a dog when he was alone! He even used to sleep in Soren's bed because he had nightmares, and that was the only thing that helped him sleep! That's why Ivor's so tired!" Magnus said laughing.

Jesse wasn't laughing though, he looked over at Ivor who was shaking, back turned to him. Jesse knew he was crying.
"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" Jesse screamed at the top of his lungs, making everyone jump.
"Woah, dude we we're just joking!" Magnus said, still shocked.
"It's not funny at all! Was there a reason he did that?" Jesse said angrily.
That made everyone go silent.
"Uh, oh crap.." Magnus said looking ashamed. "Ivor, I...crap man...I forgot..."
"..." Ivor had nothing to say to him, and walked out of the temple.
Magnus sighed, looking at the ground.
"Ivor was an orphan..." Magnus said sadly.
Jesse looked surprised. "He was an orphan?"
"Yeah, but the guy who ran the orphanage abused him. The day we found Ivor, was the day the man tried to kill him..." Gabriel said sadly.
Jesse's eyes were spheres. orphan.

At that moment Axel walked through the door, carrying a small boy with black hair and sky blue eyes.
"Yeah, I love fireworks!" The little boy said with enthusiasm.
"We can set them off tonight if you want Mika!" Axel said laughing.
"Hey Axel! Who's your friend?" Jesse asked smiling.
"I'm Mika!" The boy said happily.
"Well hello Mika, I'm Jesse." Jesse said smiling. "You'll be staying with us for how long Mika?"
"A month!" He said, his eyes bright with joy.
"Haha, sweet!" Jesse said laughing. "Well meet the the rest of my friends!"
Jesse and Axel walked over to the others with little Mika following.
"Guys this is Mika, Mika this is Ellegaard, Magnus, Gabriel, and Ivor is out right now." Jesse introduced them.
Everyone smiled at the kid, who smiled back happily. Well, except Magnus who rolled his eyes.

Ivor came back to the temple later that day, Jesse introduced him to Mika, who was kind of scared of him. The fear quickly faded after he got interested in a book Ivor was reading, Ivor ended up reading the whole story out loud for Mika, who was enjoying it while sitting on his lap. Ivor seemed to be enjoying himself as well. He was very spontaneous in his story telling, emphasising certain parts, and doing proper mood settings. It made Jesse smile.

Eventually Mika fell asleep on Ivor, and then Ivor fell asleep also. With that, everyone decided it was getting late so they headed off to bed. Axel decided they should do fireworks another time.

(Important: I changed Soren's age in the other chapters.

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