The Truth

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Jesse still laid in the pool of blood, not bothering to move. Herobrine sat on his thrown, glancing at him every few seconds. Jesse wanted to get out of here, after Herobrine had smashed his face into the floor he had beaten Jesse with a whip. Cuts bleed from almost every piece of skin on his body, the pain of moving was too much to bare, so he stayed still and stared blankly at the room.

Just then, footsteps were heard in the halls. They were running, fast. Suddenly, all of Jesses friends bursted through he door, and fell on their faces. Herobrine didn't even look at them.

"Would you like something?" He said in a monotone voice.
"Give us Jesse!" Petra screamed in anger.
"He's right over there."
The group looked over at  Jesse, a look if horror adorning their faces. They made a move to run to him but a giant firewall stopped them. They all looked to Herobrine in anger, except for Ivor.
"Give him to us!" Magnus growled.
"Ivor." Was all Herobrine had to say before Ivor walked over sullenly.
Everyone stared in shock as Ivor walked right in front of Herobrine and stood still.
"Good dog."
"I'm sorry.."
"I bet you are. You can have your friend now."
The firewall went down and they ran to Jesse. Jesse didn't even smile, didn't even move. His expression was blank and emotionless.
"Jesse don't worry we'll help you!" Olivia was crying.
Jesse wouldn't speak. Everyone was scared. Ivor was broken. Herobrine destroyed them.

A piercing scream suddenly echoed off the walls. A girl with blood red hair ran into the thrown room.

"MAY?!" Bother Ellegaard and Magnus screamed.
"Mom? Dad? The hell?" She said in a questioning tone.
"What are you doing here?!" Magnus asked.
"None of your business." May said angrily.
"I've had enough of this." Said Herobrine, finally saying something.
Chains flew out of the walls, trapping everyone. Ivor stared in terror as the chains began to tighten around his friends, squeezing the life out of them.

"Ivor, this is happening because of you." Herobrine said.
And just like that, Ivor went unconscious.

When Ivor awoke in a cage. He looked around and saw everyone else in cages too. They looked so broken and sad, but he couldn't do anything. They all sat in silence, too sad and dreary to try and live. Ivor started to remember how it all started with him. If he had just gotten back to the orphanage in time then he wouldn't have met the order, they wouldn't have gone on adventures, he wouldn't have ran away, not met Herobrine, not destroy the world. If he had never done that one thing, then maybe things would have been different. This could all be traced back to him. The guilt consumed him as he curled in on himself.

They had been in the cages for many days, no food or water. Jesse still hadn't looked at anyone or spoken. Axel was slumped against the bars. Olivia was rocking back and forth. Petra was pacing in circles. Lukas was standing in place. Magnus was pounding on the bars. Ellie was crying silently. Gabe was sticking the bars with his swords. Soren was thinking. Everyone was scared.

Herobrine appeared in the doorway with an evil grin placed on his lips. He slowly walked towards Ivors cage, gaining everyone's attention.
"Ivor, I'm going to kill them. All of them except Jesse and you. And you are going to watch."

With that said, everyone started to freak out. Ivor started to tremble. With the snap of his fingers, the floor beneath the hanging cages opened into a pit of lava. Slowly the cages began to descend towards the bubbling red liquid.

Ivor had to do something to help, and he remembered his bow and arrow. He checked his pockets quickly and found his bow and only one arrow. He only had one shot. He pulled back the bow and aimed at Herobrine. He let the arrow fly.
And he missed.

The cages reached the bottom and slowly they were submerged, screaming in pain, into the lava. Jesse screamed in anger. Ivor fell to the floor, tears falling from his eyes as he watched his friends burn alive. Herobrine turned towards the two with a sadistic smile and Ivor fell to the ground in agony.

I would love to say that this story has a happy ending.
But in all reality, a story like this doesn't really need one.
In life, you usually find that not all stories have happy endings.
Or do they?

"Ivor! Are you alright?!" Ivor looked at a young Soren's face in confusion. Ivor looked down and found himself in a bed.
"Where...where am I?" Ivor asked, tears pouring from his eyes.
"In my bed Ivor, you just had another nightmare." Soren said, giving him a tight hug.
"That...whole thing...was a dream..." Ivor said dumfounded.
"Yes, you were talking in your sleep too. Whose Jesse, by the way."
"Jesse...JESSE!" Ivor shouted.
"Jesses in trouble!"
"Who us Jesse though?!"
"Follow me! Quickly, grab the others!"

Ivor ran out of the small house and to the horses. Ivor jumped onto the horse, watching as all his friends run out to join him. They looked so young.
"Dude, what's got your panties in a twist?" Magnus asked.
"Follow me!"
Ivor sped in the direction of Jesses old village, friends following behind.

Soon Ivor came to a stop. And he saw exactly what he expected to see, little Jesse playing with Michael. Ivor felt enraged, his friends were very confused. Ivor jumped off the horse, ran to the man, and confronted him.
"Hey! Get away from him!" Ivor shouts.
"Who do you think you are?!" Michael shouts back.
Just like that, Ivor punched Michael in the face and in the stomach. Michael saw the loss and ran.

Ivor looked down at the small boy who looked at him in fear, but he knew that everything would be okay. Because no matter what you see in the future, bad or good, the destiny of the New Order of the Stone is written in bedrock. They will be the heroes of Minecraftia.

(I guess this is the end of my story guys, it's been fun. I saw this as a fitting end for the dramatic story.)

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