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Jesse dragged his body away from Michael while tears poured out of his eyes. May stared in confusion, not sure of what to do.
"Oh, come now! You didn't think you could escape that easily, did you?" Michael laughed maniacally.
"Leave me alone! Help HELP HELP PLEASE!" Jesse screamed in fear.
"Dude shut up!" May yelled at him.
Just then Herobrine walked in the room.
"What?!" He said angrily.
"Please don't leave me in here! Please get me away from him, please!" Jesse cried.
"Oh that's right, Michael tortured you when you were little. Hmm, fine." Herobrine said to himself.

Herobrine unlocked the door, picked up Jesse, and locked the door behind him. He carried Jesse to his thrown room and set him down on a table.
"Hold still." Herobrine ordered.
A glowing red light emerged from his hands as he placed them on Jesses forehead. Instantly Jesses legs grew back. Herobrine threw him a pair of brown trousers and a new black shirt, along with his green suspenders. Jesse graciously put the clothes on and sat at the foot of the thrown that Herobrine had seated himself on. Herobrine brought a hand down a stroked his head softly, Jesse tensed slightly and then relaxed.

"Listen pet," Herobrine started, "I am quite fond of Ivor and when he didn't come back I felt betrayed. I don't usually torture people who don't deserve it, but the imminent threat of his friend being hurt will cause him to come back to me. Do you understand?"
"...I guess...why do you torture people?" Jesse asked, shaking slightly.
The hand stroking Jesses head faltered.
"Well...I suppose I find it...amusing." Herobrine said, deep in thought.
"Well...that isn't a very good way to make friends." Jesse said with sarcasm, immediately regretting it.
Herobrine clutched a huge chunk of Jesses hair, stood up on his thrown, and held Jesse in the air.
"How dare you! You insolent brat!" Herobrine screamed, shaking him by his hair.
"Aahh! Stop! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that! Please you're hurting me!" Jesse cried, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.
Herobrine dropped Jesse to the ground and sat back down. Jesse sniffed and wiped his face, crawling back to his spot at Herobrines feet.
"I'm sorry...." Jesse whimpered.
"Whatever. Just be quiet." He ordered.
Jesse nodded his head and leaned against the thrown. Herobrine was scribbling words onto a document with an angry look on his face. He growled and rolled up the document, sealed it, and threw it into a pile. Jesse found it hard to relax with the thought of death lingering in the air. Herobrine noticed his discomfort and began stroking his head again. Jesse, despite himself, fell asleep with a thought of comfort.


"Well knock it off!" Petra shouted.
"Why do I need to knock it off!? I didn't start it!" Ivor shouted back.
"You're the problem here! Nobody else is wining like a baby!" Petra growled at him.
"I'm not wining!" Ivor shouted.
"SHUT UP!" Petra screamed angrily.
Ivor jaw slammed shut with an audible snap.
"Guys stop fighting. Are we close Ivor?" Olivia asked.
"Yes, just behind those trees." Ivor said, voice trembling.
"Ivor? What happened to you here to make you so scared?" Soren asked, concern lacing his voice.

Ivor started visibly trembling as the memories of his torture resurfaced. Everyone noticed the fear, he was shaking so hard that his horse was getting confused. And at that moment, Ivor threw up and passed out.
"IVOR!" Gabriel screamed as Ivor fell from the horse and bit the floor.

*Back to Herobrine*

Herobrine was sitting quietly on his thrown, his hand running through Jesse's hair. Jesse had fallen asleep and Herobrine was taking a small pleasure in watching him breathe. A guard then entered the room, the creaking of the door startling Jesse awake, as Herobrine glared at the guard. The guard visibly shrunk back.

"What do you want?" Herobrine growled.
"Sir, they are close. They will be here soon."
"Finally, hear that Jesse? My pet is close."
"Why are you doing this to him?"
"I love torturing broken souls."
"Don't do this, please, you can change! You don't have be to be like this!"
"It's the natural order Jesse, you wouldn't understand."

Jesse looked up at Herobrine and got up.
"Sit back down."
"What did you say?"
"I said no."
Herobrine jumped up from his thrown and slapped Jesse across the face with such force that he flew across the room. Jesse hit a wall a fell back to the ground. He heard footsteps coming towards him fast. Jesse tried to get on his feet but it was to late, as a foot made contact with his stomach. Herobrine kneeled on Jesse's back, grabbed a hand full of his hair and repeatedly slammed his head against the ground while Jesse's cries rang throughout the room.

Jesse sat in a corner, Herobrine had put him in, surrounded by a puddle of his own blood. He heard someone approaching from behind, he didn't dare turn to see who. Just then a hand grabbed Jesse's hair a yanked his head back. It was Herobrine, admiring Jesse's bruised and bloody face with a smile. Tears started to pour from Jesse's eyes as he began to sob.
"Shh, it's okay. Soon you will be free to go home." Herobrine purred.
"What?" Jesse whimpered in confusion.
"Your friends will be here shortly."

*Back to the Order*

Ivor awoke, leaning on a tree. His hearing was fuzzy and he could make out figures standing around him. He could see their mouths moving so he assumed that they were speaking. He looked around in confusion as his hearing finally cleared.
"I don't know! I didn't mean to have him pass out!" Soren was yelling.
"What's going on?" Ivor slurred.
"Oh God Ivor you're okay! You passed out and we were so worried!" Soren said as he pulled Ivor into a tight hug.
"I'm fine...we should get going..." Ivor said, getting to his feet.

Everyone decided not to question him and walked back to the horses. After a short while they came to the sight of a Nether portal, with only a glance at each other they stepped through. A bad mistake at its finest.

(Sorry it took so long. You can expect updates every few days from now on)

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