Memories and Revenge

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That morning Jesse was up very early, 2:00 am to be exact. He had only gotten one hour of sleep that night and woke up after having a nightmare of his past. He went around the house organizing everything he could trying to pass the time. Jesse found himself craving a snack from all the work he was doing. He walked to the kitchen opened the food chest a found a bundle of carrots, the carrots were too big so he broke one in half. For some reason he found the noise absolutely hilarious, and kept breaking them, laughing away. And that's the story of how everyone found Jesse crying hysterically on the floor surrounded by carrots at two in the morning.


"Do you think Jesse's okay?" Olivia asked Axel, she was very concerned for his well being knowing full well that the stress was getting to him.
"No, not really. I mean did you see him, he was having a breakdown." Axel replied also concerned for Jesse.
"What's wrong with your friend?" Magnus asked, he thought it was hilarious to see Jesse, in his words, crying like a baby.
"Do you even really care?" Olivia snapped at him, still angry at him for making fun of Jesse.
"Woah, calm down sassypants! I just want to know if he needs his mommy." Magnus joked aggressively.
"Magnus shut up," Ivor snapped, "is Jesse okay, does he do that often?" He asked sincerely.
"Um, well, Jesse has...problems...He probably had a nightmare last night and just didn't sleep, that mixed with all of the events and pressure probably made him snap." Olivia explained sadly.
"Aww did the poor baby have a nightmare, Hahahahaha!" Magnus teased.
"Magnus! Shut up NOW!" Ellegaard snapped too.
"What!?" Magnus huffed.
Ellegaard rolled her eyes and looked back to Olivia and Axel. "Will he be okay?"
"Yeah, he probably won't even remember it happened." Axel said.
"He won't?" Gabriel asked.
"Nah, he never really does." Axel stated, he really hoped Jesse would be okay later.
"Oh..." Ellegaard breathed.
"You said nightmares, what about?" Ivor asked curiously.
"Um...personal stuff from his past...really personal..." Olivia explained nervously.
"Tell us!" Magnus said impatiently.
"I don't know, like I said its really personal..." Olivia said, she really didn't want them to now about Jesse's past without his permission.
"Oh come now it can't be that bad." Ellegaard said not seeing the problem.
"I guess since he's going to sleep for the rest of the day..." Olivia said reluctantly. Everybody sat down I the living room to listen to the story, wanting very much to know what was up with Jesse.
"Well, it was before Jesse moved to our town..." She began.


In a little village called Galicia little Jesse, of only four years, plays on a small mountain with a group of other boys. Soon they were called back home for lunch, leaving Jesse all alone on the mountain.
"Its not fair, why did they have to leave..." the young boy said sadly.
Just then a man walked up to him who he had never seen before. "Hello there lad." The man said.
Jesse's father had always told him to be polite to everyone so he greeted the man.
"Hi, who are you?" Jesse asks.
"I'm Michael, and who are you?" The man, Michael, asked.
"I'm Jesse."
"What a nice name, and how old are you Jesse?" Michael asked. The man looked nice enough so he continued to speak to him, instead of leaving for home.
"I'm four years old!" Jesse answered, smiling politely.
"Did your friends leave?" Michael asked with a strange look in his eyes. Jesse didn't think anything of it and answered, "yeah, I wanted to play more but they had to go..." Jesse said sadly.
"Aww, if you want, me and you can play." Michael suggested, the look in his eyes getting more intense.
"Um, I'm not supposed to play with strangers..." Jesse said, remembering what his father said about playing with strangers.
"We're not strangers Jesse! I know you now, and you know me! That means we aren't strangers." Michael said in a convincing tone.
"Oh, okay!" Jesse said with a smile, "what do you want to play."
"Hmm, how about tag, I've always loved that game!" He suggested.
"Sure!" Jesse said excitedly.
With that they began to play until Jesse was exhausted. He fell to the ground in laughter.
"Are you tired?" Michael asked, the look in his eyes more prominent.
"Um, yeah, I think i should get home now. I need a drink and I'm hungry." Jesse said panting, still tired from all the running.
"No." Michael said, suddenly the happy aura from before was gone replaced with a cold feeling. Jesse was starting to get scared.
"You don't want to play with me anymore?" He said with a wicked grin and cold eyes, his face was like stone and he looked terrifying. Jesse tried to get up but his legs were too worn out, he wanted to run away and hide, he wanted his dad.
"You're scaring me." Jesse whimpered.
Michael just grin his cold emotionless grin and walked over to Jesse. Jesse tried to crawl away, but to no avail. The man picked him up easily over his shoulder and walked off into the forest...

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