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Herobrine had teleported himself and Jesse to the Nether, and was dragging Jesse by his ear. Jesse was flailing around and kicking, but to no avail, Herobrine had a strong grip and wasn't letting go until he wanted to.
"LET ME GO!" Jesse screamed at the top of his lungs.
Herobrine payed no attention to the tantrum, and kept dragging him at a leisurely pace. Soon Jesse began to see a giant building, more like a double decker castle. The place was huge, it was made out of nether brick and was surrounded by lava with flames covering the top. Jesse was snapped out of his daze by a sharp pull on his ear.

"Hurry up." Herobrine said, strangely calm.
"No!" Jesse spat out, earning a sharp pull.
"You don't have a choice." He said, still calm.
Jesse said nothing as he was pulled through the gigantic doors leading to his doom. Herobrine dragged him through the long dimly light hallways leading to a room full of cells. He shoved Jesse into a cell, slamming the door shut.
"I'll be back for you later." With that said, he left.

"LET ME GO! LET ME OUTA HERE!" Jesse raged, kicking and banging on the door.
"Knock it off you idiot!" A feminine voice said in the cell next to him.
Jesse quickly turned around to see who it was. In the cell over was a girl with blood red hair, blue eyes, and pale skin that was absolutely covered in scars. She wore a blue shirt that was covered in blood, a red skirt, and a ripped glove on one hand.
"Who are you?" Jesse asked, walking over nervously.
"None of your business, that's who." She growled.
"Please..." Jesse asked sadly.
"Fine. It's May, how bout you baby face?" She answered.
"It's Jesse. How did you get here?" He ignored the insult.
"I tore the tag off a mattress." May said sarcastically.
"Wow." Jesse said, unamused. He plopped down on the floor with a sigh.
"What's that matter princess?" May asked, still sounding annoyed.
"Well for starters, I'm stuck in a cage next to a jerk." Jesse said dryly.
"YOU ARE LUCKY THE BARS ARE SEPARATING US!" May screamed, kicking the bars in rage.
"I'm sorry! Geez dude, I won't say it again!" Jesse held his hands up in surrender.
"Better not!" She growled, making Jesse shake.

Suddenly the door opened again and in walked Herobrine. He walked straight to Jesses cell door and opened it.
"Come." He ordered.
"No." Jesse said in defiance.
Herobrine swifty walked over and grabbed him by his hair.
"If you would've come with me on your own, I would've let you walk on your own." Herobrine scolded Jesse.
"Let go!" Jesse screamed.
"Bye princess." May laughed as Jesse was dragged from the room.

Herobrine dragged Jesse, kicking and screaming, to a new room. The room look absolutely terrifying. It was covered in blood, chains hung from the ceiling, whips hung on the wall along with other tools. Jesse was shaking hard as Herobrine laughed loudly.
"You are afraid. Good, you should be." He said as he beat Jesse into unconsciousness.
When Jesse regained consciousness his arms were chained above him and his legs had chains that went to the floor, leaving him in midair. He tried to wiggle, but it only made the restraints cut into him.
"Hang tight Jesse." Herobrine said sarcastically as he stepped into view.
Jesse watched him walk over to the wall and stare at the display of whips, making Jesse shake. After a few minutes he picked one up and walked over, putting the whip in front of Jesses face. The whip was black with snake designs on it.
"We are going to work on your obedience skills." Herobrine said smiling.
He brought the whip down on Jesses bare chest over and over again relentlessly. Jesse howled in agony.
"STOP! PLEASE! AAAHHH!" It was useless though, the hits didn't cease.
Over and over again the whip rained down, Jesse was covered in his own blood, sobbing and screaming.
"MERCY PLEASE! PLEASE STOP! IM SORRY!" Jesse sobbed, the sting of the whip didn't cease.
"Are you going to listen from now on pet?" Herobrine smiled, still whipping.
"YES! PLEASE, PLEASE STOP!" Jesse begged him, sobbing, and writhing in the chains.
"Good puppy." Herobrine said, finally stopping.
He walked over to Jesse and stroked his blood and tear covered cheek. Jesse sobbed harder, he felt exhausted and pathetic.
"Shh, its okay pet." Herobrine said, unlocking the restraints.

Jesse fell to the floor in a sobbing, bloody heap. Herobrine towered over his body, Jesse shrunk into himself in fear. The sadist stepped back to admire his work, he looked overjoyed at what he had done. Jesse trembled on the floor, trying to stifle his sobs. Herobrine gave a maniacal laugh as he walked from the room, locking the door behind him. Jesse laid on the floor writhing in pain, not caring to hold back his tears any longer.
'You will obey!' A voice on his head screamed.
"NO!" Jesse wailed, he was stronger than this.
'You will, in time' The voice said, wisdom in its tone.
"No....no....no..." Jesse curled into a ball and rocked back and forward, repeating the word over and over as blood poured from his open wounds.

Jesse didn't know how long it had been when Herobrine came back into the room. Jesse curled into a corner, whimpering with fear.
"Time for our next session." Herobrine laughed, dragging Jesse back to the chains while he screamed and flailed, reopening the scabbed over cuts.
Eventually Jesse was strung up again and Herobrine was looking at sharp knives and razors. Jesse was overwhelmed with anxiety, trembling, and crying silently. Herobrine walked over to Jesse, patting his face and the taking a scalpel across his cheek. Jesse screamed out in agony, he had no choice but to endure it. The torture began again.

*Back at the Temple*

Everyone stared at the spot where Jesse had been before being taken away. They didn't move or speak, they only stood there with wide eyes and opened mouths. Herobrine had kidnapped Jesse.
"Tell me what happened." Axel said walking through the door with Ivor following behind him.
Everyone turned but said nothing.
"Today please." Axel said impatiently.
"He took Jesse." Olivia said, falling to the floor with tears streaming down her face.
"Who took Jesse?" Axel asked softly, comforting Olivia.
"Herobrine...he came after Ivor and Ivor left! So he took Jesse as a fall back plan!" Olivia said, glaring at Ivor through her tears
Everyone looked at Ivor with anger. Ivor looked down sadly.
"I'm sorry..." He whispered before leaving the room.
"Great. This is fantastic." Soren said sarcastically.
"Dude, we know it sucks. How are we gonna get Jesse back though?" Magnus asked, mostly to himself.
"Where can we even look for a legend?" Gabriel asked.
"I know where he lives." Petra said thoughtfully.
"Wait, how do you know where he lives?!" Ellegaard asked flabbergasted.
"...classified information." Petra said flatly.
"...okay then...well...lets go I guess." Soren said awkwardly.
"Go get Ivor, Axel." Petra said grabbing her sword.
"Fine." Axel said as he walked to Ivors room.
Petra grabbed her sword and told everyone to grab their supplies, which they did. Soon Axel came back into the room dragging Ivor by his upper left arm. Ivor looked extremely scared and sad, but Axel didn't seem to care as he dragged him to Petra.
"Ivor why was Herobrine after you?" Petra asked as everyone gathered around him.
"I can't tell you...I'm sorry." Ivor said nervously.
"Too bad, tell. Now." Petra ordered coldly.
"No." Ivor said, no sooner did petra slap him across the face.
"Right now." Petra's voice was steel.
Sadness was carved into Ivors face as he sighed, his head falling down in shame.
"I was his slave..." Ivor said quietly.
Everyone was silent with shock.
"What?" Olivia asked perplexed.
"I was Herobrines' slave, and I disobeyed an order to kill The Order. He was going to punish me...and I refused...so he took Jesse....I'm sorry." Ivor said sadly, not looking up from the floor.
"Oh..." Ellegaard said surprised.
"I didn't want to..." Ivor said softly, barely audible.
"Well, its all done with now. No sense in dwelling on it, let's just go get Jesse back." Axel said, surprisingly mature.
"Right." Olivia said with a nod.
They all went to their rooms to get ready for the long adventure.

(Sorry for the wait, major writers block. I had help on this chapter from Brenjago, thanks dude🙆)

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