Life in small steps

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"Hey daddy." I turn in my chair to see Maddie waddling towards me.

I get up and help her sit down in the hospital couch, than sit next to her pulling her head to rest on my shoulder. Her shoulders start to shake slightly and I wrap my arms around my baby girl as she cries.

"Dad I'm so scared." She sobs, my eyes clouded by tears and just hold her for a minute.

"It's ok to be scared sweetheart. Your mom was scared. I was terrified." I wipe a few tears, but they are just replaced by fresh ones.

"What if the baby doesn't make it?" She sits up and looks at me with her hands protectively placed on her 9 month old baby bump.

"The baby is going to be just fine." I rub her belly and I feel a little nudge against my hand.

A while back a little earlier in Maddie's pregnancy we found out that she may have similar complications like Abbie had. Jacob was terrified. Just like I was. Losing your other half in the process of getting your baby, the creation your blessed to make with the love of your life just to cherish it lone is un- bare able. It's like your world is thrown into the sea just to crash against the sharp rocks and you watch it come in as though it's coming back to you, then to have it be pulled right back and mash into a million pieces. Over and over again it happens with the tide.

"Dad if I don't ma-" I turn to her and cup her face in my hands, staring into her blue eyes that make the most pained and happy moments of my life resurface.

"Maddie. You do not finish that sentence." I wipe more tears away and kiss her forehead, "with every prayer I have in me and with all my power I will make sure you make it through this. Jacob would not survive without you."

Maddie's eyes wide for a second and I know I've talked some sense into her; she has the best example of what would happen to Jacob if she didn't make it. Me. She's sense how much it has effected me to have lost Abbie, the love of my life, the only girl who ever was meant to wear the ring of my choosing, Maddie's mother. She saw it first hand on how hard it was for me to walk around in that house and be reminded of her ever few steps.

"Dad.." She says with a heart breaking voice as though she is completely lost and afraid.

"Maddie I'm right here. Daddy's still here, exactly where I always have been." I hold her to me tightly and I run circles on her back.

"Maddie!" We both turn to see Jacob walking down the hall quickly, his suit jacket wrinkling in his right hold. His eyes are red rimmed and Maddie slowly stands up and Jacob rushes into her open arms.

"I can't lose you." He whispers in her ear and she sobs a little and nods.

"You won't lose me." She leans back and looks into his eyes. She stands on her tie toes and kisses him tenderly, slowly; pouring out her feelings into the kiss as if it's her last, "you'll never lose me." She whispers and leans her forehead on his as he leans forward so she can stand normal.

"Sorry to interrupt, but it's time." A nurse in light green scrubs says standing in front of us.

Maddie taking in a shaky breath and Jacob let's out a strangled breath as though he is suffocating. Maddie smokes at me and I hug her one more time, "I love you so much my baby girl."

"I love you too daddy." She quickly kisses my cheek, than turns and grabs Jacobs hand and they walk down the hall.

Maddie looks over her shoulder at me and I try to give her a reassuring smile. She faintly smiles back before turning the corner and disappearing.I stand there in the lobby. My hands shaking and my body numb.I stand alone.

"Baby." I hear Abbie's soothing voice echo in my ear and a warm touch lands on my shoulders.

"I lost you my love.....I can't lost our baby too. I can't bare to see Jacob try to live without our Maddie. To see that baby grow up like she did. It's as if I'll be outside my body watching the same life happen for someone else."

"She is strong honey, I know she can do this." Abbie says in such a rich voice I almost let my fear wash away with it, but I can't. I am too scared.

"I wish you were here." I break down, letting the tears fall down my face and I collapse into the chair next to me.

My elbows on my knees and my hands covering my eyes. My heart beating a million miles per hour as my mind overthinks every possible outcome.

"Jason. Baby look at me." I lift my head just barely and see my beautiful Abbie crutched in front of me, the pad of her thumb wipes my tears and her blue eyes suck me in like always.

"You have done an incredible job raising our baby on your own all these years. You've done it alone and I'm so, so sorry that things happened the way they did when she was born. But I wouldn't change our story for the world. I've missed you so much and I didn't get to even hold my baby longer than a minute. Watching you raise her with all of our love, I've never seen so much happiness in a little girl when she looks at her dad; you're her hero, her protector, her first ever love and your her father. You've made her into the strong young woman she is today. Have a little faith that she will pull through for you, for her loving husband and that new little life."

I nod slowly and try to breath.

"Excuse, are you the father of Maddie-"

"Yes." I interrupt and stand up fast.

The nurse looks a little shocked at first than gives me a smile, "it's ok sir. The baby is perfectly healthy and safe. The mother is too. Both very healthy and happy." I breath and cover my eyes again as more tears fall. Tears of relief. Tears of happiness. Tears from old memories and how the last time I was in the hospital my life changed so much in such little time.

"Can I see them?" I rasp out and the nurse nods and I follow her down a few halls and into a small white room.

In the middle is a bed with my baby girl laying there, her hair a mess and skin a little pale. Jacob sitting next to the bed in a chair, his eyes glued to the little bundle in Maddie's arms.

Maddie looks up and smiles, "daddy come here, come meet your little side kick." I slowly walk over to the bed and look down at the small, blue blanketed baby boy. He has lighter peach fuzzy and big chubby cheeks, but I can't help but smile as he slowly opens his eyes and they are the crystal blue eyes of his mothers, the same as his grandmothers.

"Zach," she looks down at her baby and than to me again, "meet the man who is going to be your best friend, your partner in crime, your roll model (along with your father of course), my dad. Your grandpa." Slowly she hands him to me and a goofy smile grows on my face.

"Oh your mother doesn't know what she just did." I tease as my eyes feel with tears.

We all laugh, the air filled with an intoxicating happiness.

I can't believe that my baby had a baby.

I'm a grandpa......

I'm going to rock this whole grandpa thing.


Hey readers!! First.....

OH MY HECK!!!! I never thought this story would get so many reads. It was only ever supposed to be one chapter. But now it's a full blown story!

Thank you guys so, so, so much for reading and voting! It means a lot to me. The comments make me want to write more so all of you who commented, thank you. It means a lot to me.

There is only one more chapter left...... Then this story is over. :/

But I've been thinking of doing some of the chapters in Maddie's POV, would anyone be interested in reading those? If so, leave a comment and I'll read them all to see if you guys actually want to read from Maddie's POV.

<3 thank you all so much.

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