Requested: Just like the past

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"Zach! Zach!" I turn my head to the face to see Sadie standing next to my bed, her hair is a bun and a plain blue shirt.

"What lil sis...." I grumble.

"Mom said its time to get up. You have school."

I glance at my alarm clock and groan.

"Ok. Ok. I'm up."

Sadie gives me a weird look seeing as I'm not moving and I stick my tongue out at her. She smiles at me and I can't help but smile back at her. Sadie is your average pain in the butt, early teen sibling. Even though she is 3years younger than me, we are pretty close.

After she closes my door, I get up and throw on a pair of dark jeans and a band t-shirt. I enter my bathroom and do my business than brush my teeth.

Snatching my back pack from my desk I throw it over one shoulder and walk down the stairs two at a time.

"Zach?" My mom calls from the kitchen.

"What?" I say entering grabbing a pancake and folding it in half, I don't like anything on my pancakes.

"Do you have everything you need to school?" My mom turns around and asks me with a warm smile.

After my grandpa passed, it took a toll on my mom, she has had tired eyes ever sense that day; but she happy.

"I have to go to work, I love you baby." My dad walks into the kitchen and kisses my mom like they are high schools in spring.


But at the same time I want a love like that. The same kind as my grandpa. Even though I never got to meet my grandma, the way my grandpa spoke about her made it seem like they were made for each other.

Two pieces that would forever fit together no matter how much time passes.

"Bye bud. Have a good day." My dad smiles at me as he walks to the garage door.

"You too." I call after him.

"I have everything I need. Bye ma." I get up and kiss her cheek than grab another pancake.

Jumping down the porch steps, I walk down the old cracked sidewalk and I wonder how many people years before me did the same exact thing.

"Your going to run into a side." My friend Mark throws his arm around my shoulders and tackles me.

I stumble, but don't fall. "Do you know how to greet people normally?" I laugh and shrug his arm off.

He shrugs and we keep walking to the bus stop.

When we get there my other friends, Garrett and Freddy are already there.

"Hey." We say in unison as we get closer and we do our hand shakes.

"Are we going to skate today?" Freddy asks as we all joke around.

"I can, what about you two?" Mark says looking at me and Garrett.



"Sweet." Mark says.

As the bus pulls up we climb in and go to our normal seats near the back, I sit in one seat and Mark sits in the one a crossed from me, while Freddy and Garrett sit in the seat behind me.

Don't ask me why, but we all like our space and sitting arrangements.

We talk about random things and how much we don't like math.

But when we come to a stop I casually glance out the window and I freeze.

A girl with long brown hair is standing there with a loose white tank top and ripped jean shorts, and her high top red converse.

Her black back pack slung over one shoulder and ear buds in her ears.

She glances down at her phone and looks to have changed the song, then looks up at the bus and her eyes land on me.

My heart beats fast as we stare at each other, but I break it and look back to my friends, acting as though I'm deep in their conversation.

I can feel her watching me still as she gets on the bus, and I glance up to see her coming this way.

Oh crap.

What do I do?!

She glances from side to side at the seats, but most/ all of them are taken but one.

The seat right in front of me.

She gives me a shy smile than sits down, the small movement of her sitting down made a movement in the air and I could smell the slightly fruity smell of her shampoo.

Mark nudges my leg and my head snaps away from her to him.

"Dude. Your practically eating her alive with your eyes."

"Shut up." I whisper back.

"Hey. We get it." He puts his hands up in surrender," She's yours." He winks at me and I kick his leg.

They all laugh slightly, but I sit there and just partly listen, as I watch her state out the window with her music up to where I could just faintly here the base.

When the bus pulls up to the school, the kids slowly get out, as we touch the pavement I watch as she disappears into the crowd of kids.


"Earth to Zach." Freddy waves his hand in front of my face.

"What?" I come back from who knows where I was.

"Man your whipped and she hasn't even said one word to you." He smiled at me and glared at him.

They all laughed, "we are not being mean. Good luck man, we got your back." They all give me goofy smiles and I shake my head.

"We are idiots." I laugh and they all laugh and agree.

When the bell rings, I head to English and take a seat. Not totally paying attention to who was around me, I look out the window and watch the airplanes and birds.

Wishing I could be anywhere but in English right now.

"Umm...could you get that for me?" I look away from the window and to the voice and I feel like my chest is going to explode.

Her eyes are so clear and they study me like I'm the experiment in a science lab.

"S-sure." I reach down and grab the pen she dropped. And slowly return to my normal sitting position.

She reaches for it and out fingers barely touch, her skin slightly cold and I notice the little blush on her cheeks.

She smiles at me, "thanks." Than she turns back around.

I let out a low breath and think about how she totally could have gotten that pen herself.....

Man, I'm whipped.

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