Bus Ride

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"Dude did you see the ticket rankings?! They are going like hot cakes!" Drew says excitedly as we sit on the bus on our way to school. Him and Eddy are sitting in the seat next to us; by us I mean, carter and me. He is turned stretched out with his arms hanging in our seat, while poor Eddy gets his butt.

"I swear drew, if you lean your butt on me one more time, I'm going to spank you into next week!" Eddy finally snaps.

Carter and me couldn't hold in our laughs anymore. Drew wiggled his eyebrows at Eddy, "oooo, kinky. What else are you going to do big boy?" Eddy's face turned red and I don't think the rest of us could breath for the next 5 minutes. But I stopped as my eyes trailed up and made eye contact with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her long dark brown hair in loose curls, while her electric blue eyes scanned for a seat. She was wearing a band T-shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Looks like someone's in love." I heard drew tease, but I didn't even acknowledge he spoke.

Heck it was like English was a foreign language to me and I wasn't even writing a paper.

The girl gave me a small smile, before sitting in the seat in front of us. My heart was going a million miles per hour now. Carter put a hand on my shoulder and I turned slightly to look at him. All the guys were looking at me, mischievous smiles on their faces and I shook them off; looking out the window instead.

How freaking embarrassing! While I just blow it!! Freaking big time!

She's never going to want to talk to me now that I practically stared her down like she was my favorite meal.

....but oh man was she too perfect for someone like me. 

----ABBIE'S POV----

"Have a nice at school darling." My mom called from the kitchen.

"Ok, bye." I hurried down the steps and to the bus stop, hoping I was in the right place because no one else was here.


I pulled out my iPod and put in my ear buds; scrolling through the lists, upon lists of music I love.

Finally I decide to go with my newer favorites. I closed my eyes and listen to the words fall out of the singers mouth with so much emotion it's intoxicating. That's right. Music is my drug. It always has been, always will be. Parentally this band is local and how cool would it be to see them?! I wonder what they look like...how they act....hmmm. I guess I'll never really know.

I open my eyes and see the bus almost to me. Perfect timing. As the doors open I get on and there were a lot of seats taken. So I had to search for one. Looking around, I almost stop in my tracks as I make eye contact with a very, handsome guy. His brown hair is longer, just above his ears. It's a crazy mess, but it looks so good on him. His olive skin and chocolate brown eyes just pull me in. The shirt he is wearing his the band I'm listen to and it makes me smile inside that we already have something in common. I glance to the boys sitting next to him and notice they are all trying to get his attention, but it's sick on me.

I feel my cheeks heating up and I hope he doesn't see it. Looking at him again, he has turned his attention back to his friends.

Hmmm, maybe he lost interest. I take a seat in front of him sense that seat is very unoccupied; my heart beating like the bass in the song that plays in my ears. Maybe I'll have to see who this hunk is. Could he have lost interest so fast? I don't know, but hopefully I get to find out. 

Though he is probably too perfect for me.

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