Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As he was walking back to the house, he looked to my bedroom. He saw me in my window staring and he gave me his signiture smirk. I quickly ducked under my window and felt heat creeping up onto my face. Shit! He caught me.

I walked to my closet and looked to see what I could wear. I settled for a pair of denim skinny jeans, a 'Geek' jumper and my pink converse. I checked in the mirror and saw bags under my eyes. I applied a little foundation to the marks under my eyes from a lack of sleep. I let my long blonde curls hang around my shoulder and down my back. After I was pleased with my look, I closed my door behind me and headed for the stairs.

I walked downstairs in embarrasment that Mason had caught me, thank god mum already left for work early. Mum loves her job, she is a stylist in the local hairdressers. She would always leave for work early because she knew she would have loads of customers waiting for her. Everyone gets along with her she is a friendly and caring person. She has been very lonely since my dad have left for the army and because I have been away recently. I went away to my grandma's to look after her, she wasnt very well but she is much better now.

My dad is a medic in the army and has been for 10 years now, I hardly ever see him because of it. I miss him! Last time I saw my dad was 3 years ago and he looked really fit and healthy, hardly any hair because he shaved it off. He've changed so much since he has been away, I just want him home so I know he's alive and safe. I opened the letter reading it slowly.

To my baby girl,

If you are reading this then you will know I am alive and well. I haven't had many patients for a while now so that is a good sign. The only thing that has happened is one of my close friends have died. His name was Richard Winters, he was my age and we had become very close over the last 3 years. Him dying has made me think about what I have back home, so I have decided to come home for a month. I can't wait to see my baby girl and my wife. I hope your brother is okay. I haven't seen him in ages. 

I have to get back to work now, honey so I will see you soon.

I love you

Dad x

I put the letter down and done a little fist pump in the air. Dad is coming home tomorrow! I better ring my brother. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through the contacts until I came to his number. I pressed call and it went straight through to voicemail. I'll have to call him later.

I was all ready for college, checked myself in the mirror in the living room before i left. I grabbed my bag and headed out of the door. While I was locking the door I heard someone from behind me say "Hello Miss Harrison"

I turned around and there he was, Mr Mason Trent, stood at the gate with his glistening white shirt unbuttoned at the top tucked into his grey trousers and italian black shoes on. God he looked so hot!

I cleared my throat and said "Good morning Mr Trent" trying not to make any eye contact so I can't get distracted by his good looks. I turned back around and fumbled with the keys in the door and the keys slipped out of my hands,

"Shit" I mumbled to myself. I bent down to pick up my keys and another hand reached down and grabbed them, touching my hand the same time. I pulled my hand back and looked up to see Mason smiling at me and handing over my keys.

"Thank you, sir" I said nervously as I grabbed the keys off him.

"Please call me Mason." He smiled and got up.

I returned the smile and he extended out his hand, in offer to shake it. I took it and shook his hand as he said;

"Nice to meet you, Brooke." He looked at his watch and let go off my hand. "I'm running late for work. I have to go. See you around"

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