Chapter 12

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Craig's P.O.V

I woke up in a sudden, i heard screaming coming from brooke's room. I threw my trousers on and ran to her room. To see her screaming in her sleep and shouting help.I ran to her waking her up and she started crying. Mum is in austrailia to have a break, she have been worried sick about everyone so i gave her a surprise holiday in austrailia so i had to look after my baby sis.

"Come on its okay im here" I said while i was hugging her.

She just cried hugging me really tight like she usually does. 10 minutes later she looked up at me.

"I am sorry craig"

"It's okay sis, what was you dreaming about"

"My accident"

"It's gone now brooke, so try not to think about it." I kissed her forehead.

"Thank you bro" She snuggled into me and fell asleep. I drifted off next to her and the night was peaceful.I woke up, in brooke's bed without brooke . I got up quickly and looked at the time, it was 7am, on a monday, 3rd of january. Shit! Brooke's off to uni today. I ran downstairs to try and find her and then i heard a beep outside. Brooke was in a car driving it , she was beeping to wake me up.

"Brooke what are you doing?"

"This is my new car, dad sent the money to me, i need to get to uni somehow." she chuckled as she got out of the car.

"Well, well, well Brookys finally grown up" I smirked.

"Shut up craig, come here. Thanks for last night" She hugged me. Will this be the last time she will be hugging me.

"It's okay sis. What time have you got to be in uni by?"

"12, its a 2 hour drive from here"

"Im going to miss you, plus i get to have a free house while mam is gone" I winked at her. We walked back into the house and i made breakfast while she was upstairs packing. A knock came at the door. I switched off the cooker and went to the door.

"Oh hi cameron shes upstairs packing at the moment"

"Packing?" Seriously? This guy is meant to be her boyfriend and she hasn't told him.

"Urmm yeah shes off to uni today go on up and see her"


"Oh cameron, take your shoes off" I laughed as he done what i said. Man it feels good to be in charge of this house.


Brooke's P.O.V

Upstairs packing for my trip. I am so excited. There was a knock on the door. Craig!

"Craig you know you don't have to knock this ain't my room after i left" I chuckled to myself as i opened the door.


It was cameron. What is he doing here? I don't need him to spoil my good mood and i really don't want him to come with me.

"What do you want?" I said as i returned packing.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Not nice when you don't know things is it ? No, now you know how i feel"

"Babe please i told you why i couldn't tell you"

"I didn't tell you because only family knows and i don't know whether we are still together or not"

"Of course we are babe, I love you" He gave me a smile but i didnt know whether i wanted to be with him even though i still love him.

"I think we should stop seeing each other. Please don't make this hard. I am going to uni and i don't think i could keep a relationship up there,."

"Brooke ...." He said teary.

"Just go cameron, i'll text you knowing i am safe but i dont want to be with you"

"Okay i just want you to know that we got people in oxford keeping an eye on you, i still want you safe brooke. See you soon" He said as he walked to me and kissed my forehead.

He walked towards the door and i started to tear up again. Why am i so emotional lately. He went out the door and slammed my front door. I watched him as he walked to his, he was kicking everything in his way. Molly went to talk to him but she pushed him away. I couldn't of done it even if i wanted to. He's an FBI agent for crying out loud, once this assignment is done he won't wanna have anything to do with me. I stopped the tears from flowing and finished my packing.

"There all done" I said to myself. I know i am craxy for speaking to myself. Craig walked through the door.

"Hey sis your breakfast is done" He smiled at me but i know he is hiding his emotions.

"Thanks bro, could you help me bring down my suitcase please?"

"Yeah no problem, trouble in paradise?" He could see the guilt in my face that i had done something.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I said as i smiled at him.

"Okay fair enough"

I love my brother, if he was like any other brother he would keep asking but Craig knows if i don't wanna talk about it, he won't bug me about it. We sat at the breakfast table chatting about stuff and craig was telling me about his uni lessons he got. He said that he is going to uni next month but its not oxford he will keep in touch though.

"...... I broke it off with cameron" I said finishing my breakfast off.

"I knew he was no good anyways"He chuckled making a joke out of it. I hit his arm. We started laughing at each other. I'm going to miss this.

"I'm serious now craig"

"I could tell anyways by the look in your eyes and the way he was kicking stuff" He smiled.

"Can i tell you something please but you have to keep it quiet?"

"Yeah sure"

I told him everything about cameron. About him being an agent. Molly and matt was in on it too. I even told him about sleeping with Mason and what mason had been doing this last year.

".......... and thats why i ended it. I can't keep this going knowing this could i?"

"Wow brooke didn't expect you to say that."

He was stunned. But he understood everything. It was time for me to go. I put all my things into my car. I hugged my brother. It was emotional. I jumped into my car and wound the window down. I was actually going to uni the excitement took over me.

"I'll miss you craig"

"I'll miss you sis. Don't be a stranger" I smiled and wound the window back up and there was a tap on the passengers side window. I turned around and there was Cameron.

"Cam i got to go"

"I know, i just wanted to tell you i love you"

"Don't do this cam i need to go" I pulled off without saying goodbye to him. I was going to move on and that was the truth. Even if there is a gang out there for me, this person who had text me threatening me, i haven't heard anything from it. They had arrested Mason, but had no evidence against him. He found out about his step-brother, everything had happened so fast. I just want to leave the past behind me and start a new life, without Mason and without Cameron. Start a new life as a university student. Live my life to the max as people would say. But i knew i was too much of a nerd to do that. I giggled to myself as i turned the music up and made my way to university. My new life.

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