Chapter 1: Introductions

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My name is Bella Samuels, I'm 24 and one of twins, My twin Rosie who is older than me by an hour. We both had Brown hair though her hair was up to her shoulders while mine was down to my waist. We both have tattoos on our shoulder that was the same though hers is purple and mine was blue which is a way to tell us apart and we had brown eyes.

Rosie was off digging up fossils somewhere, it's beyond me and I don't understand the whole archeology thing. 

Our older sister Tayla is the owner and editor for Star-dazzle magazine.I sometimes wish I could have a feature just to feel like somebody but i guess I will stay in the shadows as always. I am basically a nobody but we are still close.

Me? Well I am an assistant to Ryan Keomaka. Whom is the personal assistant to the singer Bruno Mars.

I technically work for both of them, I mostly help Ryan with all the scheduling and mostly paperwork stuff, and I'll sometimes get Bruno stuff like his clothes and personal stuff if Ryan is busy. I never really met Bruno officially I would only see him in concerts and in the studio but only because I was needed by Ryan but I don't know Bruno personally.

My job may seem boring it was a truly not. I've traveled the world, I make good money probably the same salary as a Victoria Secrets model, and I get to meet new people as well as celebrities.

Tonight, after I get off of work with Ryan which was getting everything settled for Bruno and the band for the upcoming tour. I was inviting Tayla and her family over for dinner because Rosie comes home, and I wanted to do something special for her since she's been gone for so long.

"Bella, I need you to come with me to Bruno's house the day after the show", Ryan tells me
"The show is tomorrow right?", I ask
"Yes, you'll be there", He says

I nodded.

"Is everything settled Hotels, cars, food, and etcetera?", he asks
"Yes everything is done for the boys", I assured
"Alright, let's get out of here", He laughs

We shut down our computers, get all of our stuff, and leave our office.

"So, Rosie is coming home tonight?", He asks
"Yep, I'm cooking dinner for her", I smiled as I unlocked my Black Volvo 2015 S60
"I'm sure she'll appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow at 3pm at the place", He says

I nodded, I hugged him and get into my car, he closes my door, and I drove home.

My home has six bedrooms and six bathrooms and an additional private master suite on the second floor. The house also boasts of two walk-in closets, a large kitchen, a music room, library, office, exercise room and conservatory. On the outside there is a large swimming pool, a tennis court and perfectly preened gardens.

I know it's big but I needed space for when my family comes over to visit and so my nephew and niece had something to do and I keep fit. I pull into the driveway and parked my car. I get out and walk to house.

I sigh as I entered into my home, I go to my room and change out of my work clothes and put on some comfortable clothes which was a pair of jeans and a v neck shirt, once I was comfortable I go down stairs to the kitchen, and start to prepare dinner.

I decided to make 2 pans of lasagna and a bowl of salad just to have something simple. I put on my music and start to cook.

Just as I was putting the food into the oven the door bell ranged. I go to the door and open it. Tayla with their daughter Luka in her arms, her husband Thomas, and their son Jay.

"Hey guys", I smile and move so they can walk in
"Hey Bells", they say and they come in
"Auntie Belya", Jay says as he hugs my legs

I knelt and hug him tightly.

"Hey, my big boy", I say
"Something smells good", Thomas says
"Yeah, I needed to make Rosie's favorite", I laugh

Tayla and I go into the kitchen each having a glass of wine while Thomas was in the front room playing with the kids.

"So, how was work?", She asks
"Alright, I have to go to another show tomorrow evening", I sigh
"Does that man ever not have a concert?", she laughs
"I ask myself the same thing", I laugh

Soon after Rosie came, I was so happy to see my twin I missed her so much. She's been gone for six months in England digging. We all are sitting at the table talking up a storm catching up with each other.

"Bella, so what's up with your love life?", Tayla asks
"Still single since 2013", I say
"We'll um...Tayla and I were talking and we each hooked you up for two blind dates", Rosie says
"Ah, hell", Thomas sighs
"I don't want to go on a blind date", I say
"You need too you've been alone in this big house for years it's time to get a boyfriend or something", Rosie says

I shake my head.

"Please for me", She says and gives me the puppy dog eyes that I can't say no to
"Fine!", I groaned
"It'll be Friday"
"I can't I have to go to Bruno's house with Ryan", I say
"Afterwards", Tayla says

I just sighed. I know they meant well but I really don't want to be in a relationship since my last one ended in a disaster.

The next day...The staples center.

I was with Ryan making sure everything was right for the show for the guys. I was just making a water run for everyone and putting them on the stage. I go into the dressing room where the guys were and grabbing towels and leaving to put them on the stage.

I've never really talked to anyone but Philip who sings with Bruno and Eric who is Bruno's brother and drummer but other than that I don't talk to anyone.

"Bella", Ryan calls

I go back to the dressing room where he was standing next to Bruno who was looking at his phone. Him and I never really talked ever.

"Yeah?", I ask
"Can you get the tour stuff up", he asks
"Yes, I have it right here", I say

I sat down and went through my bag and pulled out my folder. I look through the papers and handed him the stuff he needed.

"Thank you", He says

I nodded and leave the dressing room.

The show was a success and I was rewarded a bonus for running around during the show because of some fan girls trying to break in to Bruno's dressing room to see him and I had to get Bruno's other guitar because the one he had on stage a string had broken as he was performing "Marry you".

"Thank you Bella", Ryan says
"Anytime", I say
"Ill pick you up tomorrow morning around 9am okay", He says

I nodded. I say my goodbyes and I go home. When I get there I see the lights were on telling me Rosie was home. I go inside and went right up to my room Rosie soon entered in and laid on the bed with me.

"How was tonight?", She asks
"Tiring I had to deal with fan girls and shit", I say

She laughs.

"That's show business I guess", she laughs

I laugh.

"I know this is random but your going to find someone one day and be happy forever", she says

I nodded.

"I hope so", I say
"I know so", she says

A/N: I hoped you like the first chapter and I would like to think JoelleCullen  and Rohesia for helping me start this story. Please vote and comment. Also nothing against anyone in this story! I love the real people they are the best! Nothing against anyone or any relationships.

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