Chapter 17: Promise

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The show was a success. Everyone and I enjoyed it very much.

"I made reservations for you guys to have dinner at 71 Gramercy", I say
"Oh that's nice", Pete, Bruno's father, says
"Yep, Joe will drive you there and have a great night", I say and turn to leave
"Wait, honey what are you going to do?", Bernie says
"Go to my room", I chuckled
"No, come with us", Tiara says
"I don't want to impose", I say
"Nonsense, you must come"

I glance at Bruno and he gives me a quick nod. So quick that I can only see.

"Okay", I say
"Perfect!", Jaime says

I knew this was going to be awkward. We had to get into two separate cars I with Tahiti, Eric, Presley, and Bernie with Nick as our driver everyone else was with Joe.

"That was a great show", Tahiti says
"Yeah it was my kids are awesome", Bernie says

I remained quiet the entire ride there...I don't why I was so nervous I was just going out to dinner with his family.

"Bella you okay?", Eric ask
"Yeah, I'm fine", I say
"Sweetie, you've been so quiet all evening", Bernie says
"I'm alright", I say

They didn't ask about it anymore. We get to the restaurant and were seated at a long table that had chairs on one side and a booth on the other side that faced the windows. Bernie, Pete, Tahiti, Presley, and Their grandmother were on the side with the booth and Eric , Jaime, Tiara, Jessica, Bruno and I were on the other side on chairs.

"Hello, can I start you guys off with something to drink?", our waiter ask
"This is so expensive", Bernie says
"We heard that Bruno Mars and family were coming out tonight so our boss said that everything is on the house", She says
"Really?", Eric asks
"Everytime a celebrity comes here it's free", she assures
"Okay, Mom you start off", Bruno says
"Wait, is anyone else getting Red Wine?", she asks

Jaime, Tahiti, Jessica, and Tiara raise their hands.

"Well why don't we get a bottle ofThe Petaluma "B&V" Shiraz", she says
"Okay, you sir?",
"A Mojito", Pete says
"A Ginger Ale for me", Their gran other says
"A Long Island", Eric says
"A Mimosa", Presley says
"I think I'll also have a Mojito", Bruno says
"I'll have a Sex on the Beach", I say
"That sounds good", Bruno says

I feel myself to Blush but don't say anything. Everyone went into their own conversation.

"So Bella how old are you?", Presley asks
"I'm 24", I say proudly
"Me too, when is your birthday?", She asks
"July 22", I answer
"A day before mine", she smiles
"That's awesome!", I say
"Oh my gosh did we just become best friends?", she laugh
"Not that big of a deal", Jessica says
"Oh my gosh Jessica is finally looking way from her phone", Presley says

I chuckled. The waitress comes back with our drinks and sets them down in front of us. We all order our food, everyone went into their own conversation, and I just stayed quiet.

I feel like I shouldn't be here.

I stand up.

"Honey, where are you going?", Bernie says
"I'm just going to the bathroom", I assure and scurry to the bathroom

I go into a stall and sit on the lid. I breath in and out trying to calm my nerves. There was a knock on the door which is odd. I go to the door and look to see Bruno.

"Bruno", I breathed
"What's wrong?", he asks
"Nothing", I say

He sighs and walks into the bathroom and locks the door.

"There's something wrong what is it?", He asks
"I just feel like I shouldn't be here. Like this is your time to be with your family...and it's quite awkward", I say
"I know it is for have you sitting next to me wearing and now able to.."
"Don't get me hot and bothered right now", I warn

He hugs and kisses my head.

"I wasn't trying to", he said

He kisses my lips and then leaves the bathroom. I sigh and splash my face with water. I dry my face and went back out to the table and the food was there.

"Everything alright?", Bernie asks
"Yeah, just had to check something", I say
"Do you need anything?", Tiara asks
"No, it was a false alarm", I say
"I hate those", Jaime says

I nodded in agreement and began eating.

"So before working for Bruno what were you doing?", Pete asks
"I was an Assistant for Kim Kardashian", I say
"Did you always wanted to be an assistant for a celebrity?", Tahiti ask
"No I went to school for interior design", I say
"What happened?", Jessica asks
"I went to Kim's house to design her daughters room and then her assistant wasn't showing up or anything so I did all her work, organized things, baby sat for her, and then she said I did a very well job. So she hired me and that's how I became a celebrity assistant", I explain
"How did you start working for Bruno?", Jaime
"Me and Ryan knew each other for years so he asked me to be his assistant and he was Bruno's assistant", I explain
"Wow, so you've had the run around", Pete says
"yeah, and I can't complain I love my job", I say

I felt Bruno's hand on my leg and I begin to bite my lip.

"I know I would to", Eric says
I laugh."you guys are fun to be around", I say and smacked Bruno's hand away

I hear him chuckle.

"So do you have a boyfriend?", Tiara asks
"No", I say
"Why your so pretty?", Pete says
"Dad!", Bruno says
"What, I know you've noticed Bruno she's a very pretty girl", Pete says

I giggle.

The night ended and we all went back to the hotel. We said our good nights and retired to our rooms. I take my shoes and clothes off and lay on my bed.

I snuggle into my blankets and soon went to sleep.

5 hours later...4am

There's a knock on my door and I yawn. Who the fuck is waking me up at this time at night. I get up and put a shirt on and went to the door. I look into the peep hole and I see it was Bruno. I open the door and he slipped in my room quickly. I quietly closed the door.

"I told I'll see you", he says and kisses me

Then he kept his promise and we made love into the night.

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