Chapter 23: Miscarriage

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I was at my hotel waiting for Bruno to call me to come down stairs for dinner. I sigh as I look at my stomach in the mirror. It was a little bump that I had and I stroke it. My phone rings and my phone flashes Bruno's face.

"Hello?", I answer
"Come outside but go to the car that's on across the street. I just dropped Jessica off and she just went inside", he says

I hang up and get my stuff together. I leave out my room and head out the door, I see him across the street, but I call him to meet me down the street.

"Where are you going?", he asks
"Go to the corner", I say

I look behind me and watch and he drives passed me and parks on the corner, I cross the street,and get in the car. He then pulls off and starts driving.

"Where are we going?", I ask
"IHOP, thought we can have something normal for once", he says
"We always have something normal", I say
"Touché", he chuckles

We pull into the IHOP and we both go inside.

"Party of two?", the man asked
"Yes", Bruno says

We were seated in the back in a booth, we had ordered our drinks, and were driven our menus.

"When is the after Party?", I ask
"They want party at 11 but I don't have to be there until 11:30", he sighs

I nodded.

"When do we go home?", he asks
"Tomorrow afternoon", I say
"Oh, that's cool to be home"
"Yeah, I love home"

I chuckled and he does too.

"Are you ready to order?", our waiter asks
"Um, I'll have the French Toast and bacon", I say
"And you sir?"
"Um, can I have a steak omelette with bacon and scrambled eggs?"
"Yes, sir I'll be back with your orders"

He leaves and we sit in silence.

"What's been going on?", he asks
"Really, you've been really quiet"
"I don't know why I just don't have anything to talk about", I say
"Well, I'm going to talk about a girl who challenged me into a dance battle", he laughs
"I was just doing as I was told sir", I laughed

Our food arrives and while I'm chewing a mouthful, my phone rings so I take it out and hand it to Bruno not caring who it was. He answers it.

"Hey,Mrs.Samuels Bella has a mouth full of food right now so she asked me to answer her phone, what's up?.... What?"

A concern look appears on his face.

"Okay, we'll be right there," he says before hehangs up.

"What's wrong?" I ask with concern.

"It's Tayla, she's been rushed to hospital."

"Oh shit!"

Both of us get up, leaving our half eaten food. Bruno leave a hundred dollar bill on the table and we rush to the car. We get in and Bruno begins driving us to the hospital.

"Did she say what's wrong?" I ask, concern filling my words.

"No, just said there she got a call from the hospital and she's on her way. I don't think she knows anything."

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