Untitled Story Part 1

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That's right, I'm such a gangster the that the part is called "Untitled Story Part 1"

Okay I'm not exactly "thug life" but I'm pretty hardcore and and a...boss donkey female dog!!! When I'm walking and your in my way I don't move, nah. I. Keep.On. Walking. AND BUMP INTO YA, NIGGA!! Then I break your legs and runaway, before the popo come.

JK, Jk this is just a random book where I do what I want, and if you don't like it...FIGHT ME!!!

What annoys me is when my mom comes home from work and I know shes about to come in my room, so I get up and meet her at the stairs and close my door cause my room has some stuff on the floor. Me and my mom talk and stuff, then I go to the bathroom and come back and see my mom sticking her head in my room. REALLY!?!? First of all I closed my room for a reason cause I know you'll say something about it, second of all what is in my room for you?

Then she yells at me telling me how dirty my room is and how my house will look bad and smell when I get older AND how she knew I didn't clean it and I'm making her yell, like nigga if you know my room isn't ready why will you purposely go in(-_-) and no one is forcing you to yell or say something about my room, its your choice, all that ish is on who? oh yeah, YOU

Now that I got that out of my system I feel so much better....actually NOW I'M MAD, LETS GOOOOOOOO

*Dances so hard back breaks*

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