FIGHT ME!!! part dos

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Okay now time for my other fight.

I was getting on the bus and I had my hood of my jacket on my head (so I didn't have my arms through them) and dis annoying af guy grabs the arm of my jacket when I was walking on the steps, so I was like leaning back, holding on to the railing trying not to fall and bust my head open. My friend was just laughing at me and not even trying to help me out. He finally let's go and I get on the bus and wait for him to sit down .

I was like "Um crackhead, FIGHT ME!!!!" and he was like "Okay, okay, when?" I said "When we get off wait for the bus to leave then you gonna get these hands." 

We got of the bus and he was walking home. I was like "Nigga...where you going?"

He yelled that he was scared.

Thats right scared.

But my cousin was going to put our fight on worldstar :(

Have to wait till next time...

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