2: Our School

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They was 12 so now it been 5 years (17 I'm guessing)

Kyle p.o.v.

Today was school and I had to wake up at 7:30 to get dress since school start at 9:15. I putted on a shirt that stopped above my belly button. It was neon sky blue with a heart shape in the front. I putted on some apple bottom skinny jeans with a 1 inch neon green heels. I lightly brush my hair into a long cures. I looked at the clock and realize it was 8:40
I got my backpack and walked at side. I went into my red Ferrari and road to school. I made it there at 9:02 so I quickly ran into the school. Like always all the boys was looking at me. I waved at some and gave them my sweet look. The girls was looking at me too but they was giving me the mean look so I have some a smirk... That sometimes works...
I walked to my locker and unlock it I got my make up out and putted on some light peach lipstick. Soon as I closed my locker I saw a boy with blonde golden hair and green eyes. He was smirking at me in a naughty way.

"Hey sugar cake" she toughed my chin
"Umm..hey Marco..." I looked at him confuses
"So...we still going to that date tomorrow?" He pucker up his lips
" umm..no... I never agreed to go on a date with you anyways" I putted my hand over his lips
"But you!" He mumble in my hand
"Sure... Well I need to go to class hope to not talk to you later!!" I ran from him
"Hey!! Wait!!" He try to run after me but he trip and fall on his shoe lases

I walked into the class room and sat down. All the boys turn to me and started to talk about dating and how much they love!

"OK.... Students... Boys...BOYS!!" The teacher yelled at them
"Yah we're listening" they all said not turning around
"Boys... Turn towards the teacher" I pointed at the front
"Yes my love!" They did as I said
"Thank you..now students... We have a new but old student in our class today!" He clapped which some of the class did too
"So...ummm...you can come in now umm.." The teacher try get a name
"Josh white" he walked in
"Wow!!" All the girls gasp and gossiped
"Umm.." I smirked a little

The boy was wearing a white muscle shirt with black baggy pants with blue converts.

"Wassup my name is josh whites I was here years ago.. You might remember here from...the fourth grade" he smiled

He do look cute.. But I wasn't here in the fourth grade I was home school at that time.

"OK then Mr. White you can sit next by Kyle.. Kyle wave your hand or something so he can see you" he said to me

I waves my hand to show my self . I was sitting near the back bit kind of close to the front and near the wall.
All the girls looked at me in anger. They already know what I'm up to... I then smirked at the girls and quickly smile when the new boy was walking towards my seat.

"You can sit right here... G-Josh!" I tapped on the seat
"OK" he nodded and sat down

After that he didn't speak to me nor look at me.. What's wrong with!! Every boy can't resist me!!.......... Is he gay?!

1)  is josh gay?
2) who is Marco?
3)is all the boys that was all over Kyle some of the boys she broken up with(breaking their heart)
4) and do you think more characters will be added soon?

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