14: Something about Brown's

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Kyle p.o.v.

I just walked into my class... Everyone was looking at me for some strange reason.. Oh yah! Haters!!

I smirked and sated in my desk

"Were Josh?" I whisper

Right when the bell ring Josh came out the door holding another girl hand?!?!?

"Sorry I was late Sir it took me a while to get here" he told the teacher
"*sigh* OK sit in your seat....but....who is this girl?" He smiled
"Yah....who is that girl" I mumble

Josh p.o.v.

At josh house

"Why are y'all here?" I asked
"Grandma couldn't take care of use anymore... By us...I mean Riley"
"Uh huh!!"
"Now I know why grandma don't wanna take care of y'all" I chuckle
"Shut up!!" They both yelled at me

"Wait....are y'all going to school down here?"
"Yes" they both said while it echo threw me
"We're going to today!" Riley cheered
"Oh....great... Just great" I layer back down

Back at school

Lila p.o.v.
(Finally someone else p.o.v.)

"I'm Lila whites! I'm new/old to this school"I smiled

Usually most of the boys would notice me but this school is different. They seem to be attractive to that girl that sitting with Josh

"Ah! Nice to meet you Ms.Whites! You can sit next to Vicky" he point near the front
"Vicky please raise your hand or something so she can notice you"

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