30: A Small Lemon

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Kyle p.o.v.

I chuckle at Josh expression he's so cute but clueless. But I'll make that all change tonight!
I threw my hat off and roughly kissed Josh. I can tell he could barely breath and I was quit enjoying it. I moved my lips on his into a French kiss (tongue kiss whatever I like to call it French kissing because its sound more fancier!) I try to continue but he stopped me looking away with a red face.

"Why are you doing this?!" He mumble to himself
"Why are you so innocent like... Just relax and enjoy what's going to happen you don't always have to be a goody goody boy"

Josh p.o.v

I sigh at what Kyle said. She was right I am being.... Innocent but that what's keep me from trouble like this!!! But I see it didn't work out well.

Kyle smiled once more and whisper

"Just relax and let me do my job"

She nibble on my left ear and kissed my neck.
Shouldn't I do this to her... This is...so uncomfortable!

I couldn't take it any longer this was wrong! I pushed Kyle off of me laying on top of her. I looked deep into her eyes. Her surprisingly sparkling eyes. I quickly kissed her not really understanding what I was doing. She giggle and pulled my head up to face me.

"Oh baby your doing this all wrong" she smirked

She open her mouth and closed her eyes guessing she wanted me to try to kiss her again. I leaned in and try to kissed her once again. But this time with success!
I moved my lips towards her neck and kissed it hearing her moan which kind of made me feel weird about it.

"Eck!" She moaned
"W-whats wrong?"
"N-...Nothing" she looked away blushing cray

Kyle slowly moved her hands around my chest while I kissed her neck.

Kyle p.o.v.

I can tell that josh is getting into this. I ran my hands up his chest towards his hair while he still kissed my neck. For a first timer he sure do know a lot!

I then felt something crawling up my shirt towards my chest. I quickly panic and looked at Josh hands they was inside my shirt touching my breast which they was still in my bra. He pressed his lips together with mines. I'm to shock to even complain to him about this.
The kiss got deeper and deeper which was making me feel dizzy. I could feel josh unbuttoning my bra. I did no hesitation to stop him from doing so. Soon my bra was loose. I could feel my cheeks burn from embarrassment! I took a quick glance at Josh face and saw that he was blush crazy! He sated up and looked at me for a while

"What's wrong?" I asked him
"C-can you...s-sit up" he stuttered

I stated up next to him and looked at him in his eyes. I could feel my chest pounding... I-I don't understand! I...I don't understand this feeling..

Josh leaned in closer on me and kissed me deeply again. She slowly took off my top. I quickly cover my chest feeling so embarrass for some strange reason. I looked up at him once more and saw a cute smile cross his lips.

"When your embarrass like this it just make me want you more

He kissed me again holding me in his arms. I feel so relax in his arms. I removed my arms around my chest so they can be rapid around Josh neck. This strange feeling I never felt before was growing stronger. Every time I think of Josh ...my chest start to pound......Am I...starting to---


Me and Josh automatically stop kissing and turn towards the person who yelled his name. I saw an angry mother and a joyful dad staring. I quickly beard my fave on Josh chest. Understanding they can still see me I really didn't want to let then see my embarrass face!

"Joshy your grounded! For life!!" His mother yelled
"Umm just to say I'm not agents this whole situation.... So ..continue"

Hey Wattys!❤
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I'm going back to school soon so I'll have to update a couple of chapters before I do...
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I hope the rest of you Wattys have a wonderful day!😍

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