7: Fashion

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Josh p.o.v.

After school I had to go to my after school activity..which was sewing... I really didn't care for sewing.. But I wanted to do something different in school.

When I went into the sewing class there was so many girls their... They all surrounded me trying to help me learn some steps of sewing.
Some of them had to go to the nurse because they was to focus on me then the needle....
In the middle of teaching me someone came out the door with a light skin (fake) baby.

"Oh no..." She said looking at me
"....oh no it's here again" the giros that surrounded me said
"What's wrong?" I said confuses
"Its Kyle again" one of them stared at me

As I looked at the girl with the light skin baby. I notice that it was her. She sated in a distance from us all. As some of the girls look at her she then smirk a little which made them turn quickly. She turned on the sewing machine and fixed all up. She got her some piece of cloths and started to work . I watched her do her work as I was too focuses on her the girls try to get my attrition.

"Josh!" One of the girls said
"Huh?! Oh sorry!" I looked at them and apologize
".......that's OK!!" They said at the same time

Kyle p.o.v.

As I walked into my after school activities sewing class I saw Josh and the girls who was surrounding him . I minded my own business and gotten started to sew. Right then the teacher had showed up.

"Good evening!" He cheered
"Good evening Mr. JJ!" The girls responded
"Oh I see that we have a new student..... A boy!!" He smiled hugely
"I wonder if the teacher is gay..." I whisper
"His name it Josh whites... And he's no boy Mr. JJ" one of the girls flirted
"OK..... So...I want y'all to do a simple design today... A dress* he clapped
"A dress like this" I showed up the dresses
"..yes...but make one longer!" He order me
"Now get to work!!" He yelled and sated in his black spinning chair

I shrugged and started to sew the dress with a different fabric. After about 30 minutes I was almost done with the dress. I looked up and saw that the teacher was sleep I rolled my eyes and agreed to take a short break. When I looked to the side I saw a girl with blonde hair and green eyes she was smiling at me in a strange way.

"What the hell you want" I said harsh
"Oh nothing...Its just that...your appearance is so ugly!" She chuckle
"Ha ha.....so funny... Like yours don't get you a boyfriend" I smirked
"You b**k" she grabbed my hair and started to pull on it
"You hoe!!" I got her hair and pulled hair as if I was trying to rip it off

Josh p.o.v.

As we when to work I notice something strange....I turn my head to where Kyle was sitting at. She was fighting with another girl with blonde hair. I quickly got up and try to stop them from fighting.

"Hey!!" I try to spread them apart
"Hey your finger caught in my hair!" The blonde hair girl said
"I can't get it off!" I said worried

All of a sudden the teacher worked up he was looking straight at us with shock and maybe anger...

"Josh and Kyle go to the office!!!" He yelled at us
"What!" We both said
"I said go to the office!!" He hollered in anger

My fingers got lose from the blonde hair girl hair. I looked at Kyle who looked angry too. She made a big huff and went out the door while slamming it behind. I left right after her.

"Stupid f**king gay teacher!!!" She yelled while walking faster to the office

Hope u enjoy
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